Cloud Computing in the Commute

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介绍一门与云计算沾边的新课程,看看北美的叫兽们是怎样赶云计算时髦的: Cloud Computing in the Commute。下面是课程介绍的POSTER:

In this project-based course, students will work in small teams to design, build, and demonstrate an automotive telematics application. Students will be given a software development platform, based on Microsoft Windows and Robotics Studio, with access to vehicle performance data, social networking platforms, networking services, voice recognition, and text-to-speech, as well as the Windows Azure cloud environment. Development takes place on both a desktop simulator, on Windows Azure, as well as on a specially modified 2011 Ford Fiesta prototype vehicles. Students will have special access to Ford and Microsoft technologists through guest lectures, as well as special access to remote Ford and Microsoft subject matter experts to help them succeed. At the end of the term, student projects will be evaluated by a team of faculty, Ford engineers, Microsoft leaders, and others, and Ford will sponsor a “road trip” to Maker Faire for the winning team to test-drive their project in late May.

老师是University of Michigan的Jason Flinn, 大小也算头牛,在SOSP(陈首席专门介绍过,并承诺要撰文评价其中的三篇文章但一直没兑现的)灌过三四篇水。其实从这个POSTER里我啥也没发现,小汽车也要与云计算挂钩!唯一感叹的是这些牛牛们真的是与时俱进,与工业界的结合也是蛮紧密的。最后提到的Maker Faire也很有兴趣,每年都会有很多有意思的DIY,能够去一次应该会很爽。



“Cloud Computing in the Commute”有6个回复

  1. 书生 于 2010-03-16 5:48 下午


  2. nicozhou 于 2010-03-16 6:49 下午

    frogman显然有些藐视Jason Flinn了。目前车内应用日渐丰富,云计算在车载电子中的应用已经被很多汽车公司提及。Ford和MS搞的那套Sync系统还没体现出云,不过像ARS等一些其他新的应用的出现,云往车里扯是个趋势~~,只是看谁先能扯出点东西来。

  3. kk 于 2010-03-16 9:36 下午


  4. frogman 于 2010-03-17 7:20 上午

    to 书生:


  5. frogman 于 2010-03-17 7:32 上午

    To nicozhou:

    没有一点藐视Jason Flinn 的意思,大小是头牛,多少人求一篇SOSP而不可得呀!




  6. frogman 于 2010-03-17 7:34 上午

    to kk:

    是,人云亦云。难得的是现在全民都在跟着疯狂. :-)