海外学人- Shan Lu教授

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Shan Lu 现为美国University of Wisconsin – Madison大学计算机系助理教授。Lu 教授2008年底毕业于UIUC计算机系,师从著名的YY ZHOU教授。


点击http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~shanlu/进入Lu 教授主页(好象还是头衔教授- Clare Boothe Luce Assistant Professor , 比较少见)。 她的联系地址是:

Computer Science Department
University of Wisconsin – Madison
1210 W. Dayton Street,
Madison, WI 53706.
Email: shanlu at cs.wisc.edu

(6个打分, 平均:4.17 / 5)


“海外学人- Shan Lu教授”有10个回复

  1. guixue 于 2010-03-22 6:01 下午


  2. 陈怀临 于 2010-03-22 7:26 下午

    frogman, 在写海外学人的时候,你要至少把美眉的照片放上。。。不能偷懒。另外,如果你看我写的,我通常会把其博士论文工作和(或)其导师的信息加上(if any)。这样一个介绍就会比较rich一些。。。

  3. frogman 于 2010-03-23 6:39 上午

    哦,抱歉,不是偷懒,是不明白弯曲的要求,下次一定记得加上 :-)

    To guixue:

    据说,在北美MM更容易得到faculty的职位,你看YY的学生,几个女生都是名校的AP,男生都去工业界了(patternInsight, 不知道做的怎么样,首席什么时候关注一下?)

  4. 高飞 于 2010-03-24 10:42 上午


  5. frogman 于 2010-03-24 6:05 下午

    是,YY是Co-founder之一, 另一个Co-founder是她的学生: Qingbo Zhu

  6. frogman 于 2010-03-24 6:07 下午

    一些关于PatternInsight的历史, Li Kai貌似大股东:

    In the years prior to starting the company, the Opera Research group ran their tools on the Linux kernel code[3] and published the results[4] to the open-source community. Once the media picked up [5][6] on the published results, several industry-leading Fortune 500 companies started calling and asking to use the tools to test the quality of their code.

    At that point the team decided to improve the technology and form a company. In September 2006, Yuanyuan Zhou, along with Spiros Xanthos, Qingbo Zhu and Zhenmin Li, formed a company and started the process of commercializing the technology.

    In July 2007, the company was a recipient of the National Science Foundation SBIR Phase I grant followed a year later by a Phase II grant.

    In January 2008 the company was funded[7] by Venture Investors [8], John Lovitt, and Kai Li.

    In June 2009, board of directors member Winslow Sargeant was nominated as Chief Counsel for Advocacy within the United States Small Business Administration by President Barack Obama.

  7. denny 于 2010-07-11 6:13 下午

    助理教授是中国的助教吗? 离教授professor还很远呢

  8. frogman 于 2010-07-12 5:20 上午

    比中国的助教应该高一些吧,有相当的自主权. 如果混得好,九年十年可以成为正教授 :-)

  9. xxx 于 2010-07-12 12:05 下午

    Assistant Professor => Associate Professor => Professor :-)

  10. ss201009 于 2010-10-21 11:26 下午

    Assistant Professor => Associate Professor => Professor 学习了