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WiFi网络的部署要远远比一般人想象的复杂,不是说放上几十个AP带宽就自动增加几十倍,恰恰相反,简单放几十个AP带宽会由于AP之间的竞争而 迅速使带宽下降为几乎不可用。实际上这个问题完全可以写一本书了,此处只有挂一漏万,简明扼要地讲个大概。对于大型活动做WiFi的规划,要按照这几步来 做:

情况调查:首先从主办方取得场地大小和人数、分布,包括场地地图。对于网络的规模和部署有个大概的估计。 一般来讲要为每个人规划至少1个客户端设备,以往经验值可以按0.5个客户端来规划,由于智能手机和平板的普及,未来估计要往1.5~2个客户端靠拢了。 手机和笔记本或者平板电脑有可能同时在上网。

带宽估计:发 布会要保证参与者能正常使用比较轻量级的互联网应用,最基本每个设备要分配500kbps的可用带宽。在这个基础上要考虑大型活动的特点。如果是新闻发布 会,那么会有很多人上传视频,带宽分配需要重新考虑,每个人至少有一个设备应保证1Mbps带宽。如果是小组讨论会,那么带宽需求就会小得多。下图是一些 典型应用通常需要的带宽。

根据如上两点可以算出每个区域的带宽需求,下一步就是AP规划。 虽然11g号称54Mbps带宽,实际可用的最多只有25Mbps,也就是说最多能保证50个设备同时浏览网页(在这个情况下由于客户端相互竞争,用户体 验已经非常糟糕了,一般打个对折)。11n对于大部分手机只能保证35Mbps,对于笔记本电脑等支持MIMO的可以保证到70Mbps甚至更高。按照这 个原则相应地在图上标出每个AP应该覆盖的区域。为了保证通信质量,为了保证比较好的体验,实际上应该控制每个AP接入的设备不超过刚才计算出的数目的一 半。

下一步就是分配信道。 由于国内只能用2.4GHz的频段,这个频段虽然号称有11个信道(有的国家有13个),实际上只有1,6,11三个互相不重叠的信道可以用。把这三个信 道尽可能互不重叠地在上图中覆盖起来(见上图)。有时候如果无法做到不重叠地覆盖,那么还要考虑用扇区天线把覆盖区域细分成几个扇区。

信道分配完成后就要实地部署无线网络了 (实际上在上述理论工作之前就应该做实地勘探,考虑墙壁和各种反射物的影响,此处为了简化略去)。部署时应该考虑用高增益天线,但是降低每个AP的发射功 率,让其覆盖区域基本与规划的区域吻合。注意这里功率不是越大越好,应该让每个AP只覆盖规划好的区域,别越俎代庖。部署时可能需要用一些现场测量工具对 于部署的效果进行评价,防止由于多径干扰出现死角。下图就是用11g部署和11n网络部署后整片区域的差异。红色区域表示覆盖不理想的情况,可以看出 11n网络对于多径干扰抑制非常好。再过几年尽量就不要考虑兼容问题,部署时不要开启11g模式了。目前看起来还是需要通过11g接入点自身功率和天线调 整,甚至增加额外接入点来弥补。




·拒绝弱信号客户端接入: 谢谢@魏冰然和@曹梦迪,通过和他们互动我觉得这点也非常重要,所以单独补充一下。通过AP测量到的客户端信号强度给客户端分配合适的AP,如果某个AP 能接收到客户端信号,但是强度太弱不足以支持某个门限速率,就拒绝客户端从这个AP的接入,防止这个猪一样的队友占有过多带宽(他传1bit时间你能传 54bit!),用最低速率把整个AP性能拉低。














Facebook invents an intelligence test for machines


John is in the playground. Bob is in the office. Where is John? If you know the answer, you’re either a human, or software taking its first steps towards full artificial intelligence. Researchers at Facebook’s AI lab in New York say an exam of simple questions like this could help in designing machines that think like people.

Computing pioneer Alan Turing famously set his own test for AI, in which a human tries to sort other humans from machines by conversing with both. However, this approach has a downside.

“The Turing test requires us to teach the machine skills that are not actually useful for us,” says Matthew Richardson, an AI researcher at Microsoft. For example, to pass the test an AI must learn to lie about its true nature and pretend not to know facts a human wouldn’t.

These skills are no use to Facebook, which is looking for more sophisticated ways to filter your news feed. “People have a limited amount of time to spend on Facebook, so we have to curate that somehow,” says Yann LeCun, Facebook’s director of AI research. “For that you need to understand content and you need to understand people.”

In the longer term, Facebook also wants to create a digital assistant that can handle a real dialogue with humans, unlike the scripted conversations possible with the likes of Apple’s Siri.

Similar goals are driving AI researchers everywhere to develop more comprehensive exams to challenge their machines. Facebook itself has created 20 tasks, which get progressively harder – the example at the top of this article is of the easiest type. The team says any potential AI must pass all of them if it is ever to develop true intelligence.

Each task involves short descriptions followed by some questions, a bit like a reading comprehension quiz. Harder examples include figuring out whether one object could fit inside another, or why a person might act a certain way. “We wanted tasks that any human who can read can answer,” says Facebook’s Jason Weston, who led the research.

Having a range of questions challenges the AI in different ways, meaning systems that have a single strength fall short.

The Facebook team used its exam to test a number of learning algorithms, and found that none managed full marks. The best performance was by a variant of a neural network with access to an external memory, an approach that Google’s AI subsidiary DeepMind is also investigating. But even this fell down on tasks like counting objects in a question or spatial reasoning.

Richardson has also developed a test of AI reading comprehension, called MCTest. But the questions in MCTest are written by hand, whereas Facebook’s are automatically generated.

The details for Facebook’s tasks are plucked from a simulation of a simple world, a little like an old-school text adventure, where characters move around and pick up objects. Weston says this is key to keeping questions fresh for repeated testing and learning.

But such testing has its problems, says Peter Clark of the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence in Seattle, because the AI doesn’t need to understand what real-world objects the words relate to. “You can substitute a dummy word like ‘foobar’ for ‘cake’ and still be able to answer the question,” he says. His own approach, Aristo, attempts to quiz AI with questions taken from school science exams.

Whatever the best approach, it’s clear that tech companies like Facebook and Microsoft are betting big on human-level AI. Should we be worried? Recently the likes of Stephen Hawking, Elon Musk and even Bill Gates have warned that AI researchers must tread carefully.

LeCun acknowledges people’s fears, but says that the research is still at an early stage, and is conducted in the open. “All machines are still very dumb and we are still very much in control,” he says. “It’s not like some company is going to come out with the solution to AI all of a sudden and we’re going to have super-intelligent machines running around the internet.”









(7个打分, 平均:3.29 / 5)















业内人士托德·谢尔曼(Todd Sherman)介绍说:“以前购物者到收银台结账之前,我们对于他们在商店内的行为是不怎么了解的。现在有了室内定位,你就能了解他们对什么感兴趣,还有他们的行踪了。”谢尔曼在华盛顿州贝尔维市的新兴企业Point Inside担任首席市场官。包括Point Inside在内,已经有二十家公司为改进室内追踪和广告技术募集了风险投资。


在这之前,Nordstrom、Family Dollar和American Apparel等美国零售商已经对各种室内定位系统进行了试验。这些系统使用摄像机、声波、甚至是磁场来定位顾客。2012年9月,苹果为其智能手机添加了一项名叫“iBeacon”的功能,它使手机发出一个低功耗蓝牙无线信号,这也是为了在室内应用而设计的。




森林城企业(Forest City Enterprises)拥有或管理着近20家购物中心,目前它正利用手机信号对其中的多数做客流量监控。公司称,有了这些数据,公司就可以决定将妨碍顾客入场购物的自动扶梯移到哪里去了。公司还用手机信号记录顾客会在一场时装表演或音乐会结束之后逗留多久。森林城的数字战略副总裁斯蒂芬妮·施里弗-恩达尔(Stephanie Shriver-Engdahl)表示,公司想要了解一系列问题的答案,比如“顾客是买了一杯苏打水就上车走人,还是会多逗留一会儿?”她表示,在将来,公司可以根据客流量数据来制定租金。


室内定位仍然是一个复杂问题,因此它也许不会像有的鼓吹者期盼的那样发展起来。Opus调研公司的分析师格雷格·斯特林(Greg Sterling)指出:“虽然技术已经存在,也有可能推广,但是营销商未必肯接手。室内定位的某些前景可能是永远实现不了的。”


投资了好几家室内定位公司的谷歌经理唐·道奇(Don Dodge)却认为,这项技术将会“比GPS或者网络地图还了不起”,这是因为人们的大多数时间都在室内度过,而室内的GPS信号往往太弱,根本不敷使用。




不过在那之前,零售业者或许还要面对一次有关隐私的辩论。Nordstrom就在去年遭遇了一次公关失败:它使用Euclid Analytics研发的一套Wi-Fi系统在17家商场内定位顾客的行踪,有顾客在商场入口处阅读了介绍文字,随即投诉商场侵犯隐私。


Nordstrom表示,这项测试已经在几个月前结束。公司发言人柯林·约翰逊(Colin Johnson)说:“这个测试基本上是顺利完成了。我们学到了一些东西,然后就去忙别的了。不过我们也认识到了需要继续测试、开辟新的功能,只有这样才能不断进步,跟上顾客的要求。”


自从Nordstrom的这段小插曲之后,零售商们就不太愿意承认他们在使用室内定位系统了。然而,提供“综合店内分析工具”的RetailNext公司却表示,他们的产品正在100家大型零售商的数千家商场中使用着。Euclid Analytics也表示自己有100家客户,家得宝公司就是其中之一。

(2个打分, 平均:3.00 / 5)














无独有偶,芯片巨头高通也在CES上披露了自己的物联网计划。高通总裁德雷克•阿伯勒(Derek Aberle)在CES上表示,高通向全球超过30个国家推出了15款物联网设备,涉及数字眼镜、儿童跟踪器、智能手表等多个产品。未来,高通将以智能手机为支点,拓展车联网、医疗、可穿戴设备等领域。


全球范围内的其他合作也正在展开。英特尔已携手美国圣何塞市,利用公司强项,进一步推动该市的“绿色视野(Green Vision)”计划。英特尔公司全球物联网业务开发销售总监Gregg Berkeley表示,英特尔目前正与二三十个全球合作伙伴,讨论如何利用英特尔的物联网技术建设智能城市,有些合作在亚洲,有些遍及欧洲。




在过去一年,云计算和大数据继续发酵,物联网也成为未来大趋势之一。很多网友对于物联网和互联网之间有何关系存在疑惑,让我们一起来看看。什么是互联网?即Internet,又称网际网路,因特网等,是网络和网络之间串联而成的庞大网络。而物联网是的英文缩写是The Internet of things,也即物物相连的网络。












(1个打分, 平均:1.00 / 5)



【刘挺】哈尔滨工业大学教授,社会计算与信息检索研究中心主任,2010-2014年任哈工大计算机学院副院长。中国计算机学会理事、曾任CCF YOCSEF总部副主席;中国中文信息学会常务理事、社会媒体处理专业委员会主任。曾任“十一五”国家863 计划“中文为核心的多语言处理技术”重点项目总体组专家, 2012 年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才计划。主要研究方向为社会计算、信息检索和自然语言处理,已完成或正在承担的国家973课题、国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家863计划项目等各类国家级科研项目20余项,在国内外重要期刊和会议上发表论文80余篇,获2010年钱伟长中文信息处理科学技术一等奖,2012 年黑龙江省技术发明二等奖。


【刘挺】大家好,我是哈工大刘挺。感谢杨静群主提供的在线分享的机会。2014年11月1-2日,第三届全国社会媒体处理大会(Social Media Processing, SMP 2014)在北京召开,12个特邀报告,800多名听众,大会充分介绍了社会媒体处理领域的研究进展,与会者参与热情很高,2015年11月将在广州华南理工大学大学举办第四届全国社会媒体处理大会(SMP 2015),欢迎大家关注。








【刘挺】我们实验室是哈尔滨工业大学社会计算与信息检索研究中心,我们的技术理想是“理解语言,认知社会”。换句话说,我们的研究方向主要包括自然语言处理(Natural Languge Processing, NLP)和基于自然语言处理的社会计算,此次分享我重点谈自然语言处理。





【刘挺】相应的,2011年苹果公司在iPhone 4s系统里面推出Siri语音对话系统,引起业内震动。百度、讯飞、搜狗先后推出类似的语音助手。但近来,语音助手的用户活跃度一般,并没有达到预期的成为移动端主流搜索形式的目标。




【胡颖之】@刘挺 这个问题我们调研过,不知国外情况如何,大部分人觉得,在外对着手机自言自语有点尴尬,且往往还需要调整识别不准的词。如果是一问一答,就直接电话好了,不需要语音。



















【刘 挺】为什么要启动沃森、高考机器人这类的项目呢?要从搜索引擎的不足说起。海量数据搜索引擎的成功掩盖了语义方面的问题,在海量的信息检索中,有时候,数 据量的增加自然导致准确率的上升,比如问“《飘》的作者是谁”,如果被检索的文本中说“米切尔写了《飘》”,则用关键词匹配的方法是很难给出答案的,但由 于Web的数据是海量的,是冗余的,我们不断地追加文本,就可能在某个文本中找到“《飘》的作者是美国作家米切尔”这样的话,于是利用简单地字面匹配就可以找出问题和答案的关联,从而解决问题。因此,是海量的信息暂时掩盖了以往我们没有解决的一些深层问题,比如语义问题。








【刘 挺】问答系统有两大类:一类是以知识获取或事务处理为目的的,尽快完成任务结束问答过程是系统成功的标志;另一类是以聊天及情感沟通为目的的,让对话能够 持续进行下去,让用户感到他对面的机器具有人的常识与情感,给人以情感慰藉。我们认为微软“小娜”属于前者,“小冰”属于后者。
































【周志华】常识问题,图灵奖得主John MaCarthy后半辈子都在研究这个问题。悲观点说,在我退休以前看不到有希望。路过看到谈常识,随口说一句。



































【朱进】@杨静lillian 恕我直言,机器的智能筛选免不了是弱智的决定。只要编程这种形式存在,真正意义上的创造就很难想象。




语 音识别、图像识别属于感知层面,语言理解、图像视频的理解、知识推理与数据挖掘属于认知计算,在人类认知世界并认清规律的基础上,需要对社会发展的未来进 行预测并辅助决策,更高的计算则是创造计算,比如我们正在研制的机器自动作文属于创造计算。情感与认知密切相关,应该属于认知计算层面。









【朱 进】假如是个制作质量极差的电影,但是谁都没看过,制作方按常规方式宣传,机器能预测出来票房会极差吗?最简单的道理,完全同样的内容,换个相近的名字作 为新电影再放,机器会对票房给出跟第一次结果一样的预测吗?如果第三次换个名字再放哪?题目很牛,所有的宣传都很牛。问题是,预测的机器难道不需要先看一 遍电影再猜吗?另外,这机器真的能看懂电影吗?














【朱进】@白硕 按 我的理解,所谓的预测是在首映之前就做出来的。第一天的票房可以跟机器的预测一致。不过看电影的人又不是傻子,第一场一过,马上电影很臭不值得看的舆论就 传播出去了。后面的人还会按照之前的预测那样挤到电影院里吗?按我的理解,票房的关键还是片子的质量。可是片子的质量再没看到之前其实是不知道的。

【刘挺】@朱进 ,短期预测易,长期预测难,因为在事件演进过程中会有多种因素干扰。预测有两种,一种是事前预测,一种是在事件推进中根据已经获悉的事态对下一步事态进行预测。

【朱进】@刘挺 我咋觉得长期更容易猜准啊,因为时间对于涨落是有平滑的。






自然语言处理技术趋势:1. 从句法分析向深度语义分析发展;2. 从单句分析向篇章(更大范围语境)发展;3. 引入人的因素,包括众包等手段对知识进行获取;4. 从客观事实分析到主观情感计算;5. 以深度学习为代表的机器学习技术在NLP中的应用





弯曲直说–图灵一席谈 第一集

(1个打分, 平均:5.00 / 5)

解密:柴静雾霾调查:穹顶之下 (全)

(5个打分, 平均:3.40 / 5)

Facebook AI Director Yann LeCun on His Quest to Unleash Deep Learning and Make Machines Smarter


Artificial intelligence has gone through some dismal periods, which those in the field gloomily refer to as “AI winters.” This is not one of those times; in fact, AI is so hot right now that tech giants like Google, Facebook, Apple, Baidu, and Microsoft are battling for the leading minds in the field. The current excitement about AI stems, in great part, from groundbreaking advances involving what are known as “convolutional neural networks.” This machine learning technique promises dramatic improvements in things like computer vision, speech recognition, and natural language processing. You probably have heard of it by its more layperson-friendly name: “Deep Learning.”

Few people have been more closely associated with Deep Learning than Yann LeCun, 54. Working as a Bell Labs researcher during the late 1980s, LeCun developed the convolutional network technique and showed how it could be used to significantly improve handwriting recognition; many of the checks written in the United States are now processed with his approach. Between the mid-1990s and the late 2000s, when neural networks had fallen out of favor, LeCun was one of a handful of scientists who persevered with them. He became a professor at New York University in 2003, and has since spearheaded many other Deep Learning advances.

More recently, Deep Learning and its related fields grew to become one of the most active areas in computer research. Which is one reason that at the end of 2013, LeCun was appointed head of the newly-created Artificial Intelligence Research Lab at Facebook, though he continues with his NYU duties.

LeCun was born in France, and retains from his native country a sense of the importance of the role of the “public intellectual.” He writes and speaks frequently in his technical areas, of course, but is also not afraid to opine outside his field, including about current events.

IEEE Spectrum contributor Lee Gomes spoke with LeCun at his Facebook office in New York City. The following has been edited and condensed for clarity.

IEEE Spectrum: We read about Deep Learning in the news a lot these days. What’s your least favorite definition of the term that you see in these stories?

Yann LeCun:
My least favorite description is, “It works just like the brain.” I don’t like people saying this because, while Deep Learning gets an inspiration from biology, it’s very, very far from what the brain actually does. And describing it like the brain gives a bit of the aura of magic to it, which is dangerous. It leads to hype; people claim things that are not true. AI has gone through a number of AI winters because people claimed things they couldn’t deliver.

Spectrum: So if you were a reporter covering a Deep Learning announcement, and had just eight words to describe it, which is usually all a newspaper reporter might get, what would you say?

LeCun: I need to think about this. [Long pause.] I think it would be “machines that learn to represent the world.” That’s eight words. Perhaps another way to put it would be “end-to-end machine learning.” Wait, it’s only five words and I need to kind of unpack this. [Pause.] It’s the idea that every component, every stage in a learning machine can be trained.

Spectrum: Your editor is not going to like that.

Yeah, the public wouldn’t understand what I meant. Oh, okay. Here’s another way. You could think of Deep Learning as the building of learning machines, say pattern recognition systems or whatever, by assembling lots of modules or elements that all train the same way. So there is a single principle to train everything. But again, that’s a lot more than eight words.

Spectrum: What can a Deep Learning system do that other machine learning systems can’t do?

LeCun: That may be a better question. Previous systems, which I guess we could call “shallow learning systems,” were limited in the complexity of the functions they could compute. So if you want a shallow learning algorithm like a “linear classifier” to recognize images, you will need to feed it with a suitable “vector of features” extracted from the image. But designing a feature extractor “by hand” is very difficult and time consuming.

An alternative is to use a more flexible classifier, such as a “support vector machine” or a two-layer neural network fed directly with the pixels of the image. The problem is that it’s not going to be able to recognize objects to any degree of accuracy, unless you make it so gigantically big that it becomes impractical.

Spectrum: It doesn’t sound like a very easy explanation. And that’s why reporters trying to describe Deep Learning end up saying…

LeCun: …that it’s like the brain.

Spectrum: Part of the problem is that machine learning is a surprisingly inaccessible area to people not working in the field. Plenty of educated lay people understand semi-technical computing topics, like, say, the PageRank algorithm that Google uses. But I’d bet that only professionals know anything detailed about linear classifiers or vector machines. Is that because the field is inherently complicated?

LeCun: Actually, I think the basics of machine learning are quite simple to understand. I’ve explained this to high-school students and school teachers without putting too many of them to sleep.

A pattern recognition system is like a black box with a camera at one end, a green light and a red light on top, and a whole bunch of knobs on the front. The learning algorithm tries to adjust the knobs so that when, say, a dog is in front of the camera, the red light turns on, and when a car is put in front of the camera, the green light turns on. You show a dog to the machine. If the red light is bright, don’t do anything. If it’s dim, tweak the knobs so that the light gets brighter. If the green light turns on, tweak the knobs so that it gets dimmer. Then show a car, and tweak the knobs so that the red light get dimmer and the green light gets brighter. If you show many examples of the cars and dogs, and you keep adjusting the knobs just a little bit each time, eventually the machine will get the right answer every time.

The interesting thing is that it may also correctly classify cars and dogs it has never seen before. The trick is to figure out in which direction to tweak each knob and by how much without actually fiddling with them. This involves computing a “gradient,” which for each knob indicates how the light changes when the knob is tweaked.

Now, imagine a box with 500 million knobs, 1,000 light bulbs, and 10 million images to train it with. That’s what a typical Deep Learning system is.

Spectrum: I assume that you use the term “shallow learning” somewhat tongue-in-cheek; I doubt people who work with linear classifiers consider their work “shallow.” Doesn’t the expression “Deep Learning” have an element of PR to it, since it implies that what is “deep” is what is being learned, when in fact the “deep” part is just the number of steps in the system?

LeCun: Yes, it is a bit facetious, but it reflects something real: shallow learning systems have one or two layers, while deep learning systems typically have five to 20 layers. It is not the learning that is shallow or deep, but the architecture that is being trained.

Spectrum: The standard Yann LeCun biography says that you were exploring new approaches to neural networks at a time when they had fallen out of favor. What made you ignore the conventional wisdom and keep at it?

LeCun: I have always been enamored of the idea of being able to train an entire system from end to end. You hit the system with essentially raw input, and because the system has multiple layers, each layer will eventually figure out how to transform the representations produced by the previous layer so that the last layer produces the answer. This idea—that you should integrate learning from end to end so that the machine learns good representations of the data—is what I have been obsessed with for over 30 years.

Spectrum: Is the work you do “hacking,” or is it science? Do you just try things until they work, or do you start with a theoretical insight?

LeCun: It’s very much an interplay between intuitive insights, theoretical modeling, practical implementations, empirical studies, and scientific analyses. The insight is creative thinking, the modeling is mathematics, the implementation is engineering and sheer hacking, the empirical study and the analysis are actual science. What I am most fond of are beautiful and simple theoretical ideas that can be translated into something that works.

I have very little patience for people who do theory about a particular thing simply because it’s easy—particularly if they dismiss other methods that actually work empirically, just because the theory is too difficult. There is a bit of that in the machine learning community. In fact, to some extent, the “Neural Net Winter” during the late 1990s and early 2000s was a consequence of that philosophy; that you had to have ironclad theory, and the empirical results didn’t count. It’s a very bad way to approach an engineering problem.

But there are dangers in the purely empirical approach too. For example, the speech recognition community has traditionally been very empirical, in the sense that the only stuff that’s being paid attention to is how well you are doing on certain benchmarks. And that stifles creativity, because to get to the level where if you want to beat other teams that have been at it for years, you need to go underground for four or five years, building your own infrastructure. That’s very difficult and very risky, and so nobody does it. And so to some extent with the speech recognition community, the progress has been continuous but very incremental, at least until the emergence of Deep Learning in the last few years.

Spectrum: You seem to take pains to distance your work from neuroscience and biology. For example, you talk about “convolutional nets,” and not “convolutional neural nets.” And you talk about “units” in your algorithms, and not “neurons.”

LeCun: That’s true. Some aspects of our models are inspired by neuroscience, but many components are not at all inspired by neuroscience, and instead come from theory, intuition, or empirical exploration. Our models do not aspire to be models of the brain, and we don’t make claims of neural relevance. But at the same time, I’m not afraid to say that the architecture of convolutional nets is inspired by some basic knowledge of the visual cortex. There are people who indirectly get inspiration from neuroscience, but who will not admit it. I admit it. It’s very helpful. But I’m very careful not to use words that could lead to hype. Because there is a huge amount of hype in this area. Which is very dangerous.

Spectrum: Hype is bad, sure, but why do you say it’s “dangerous”?

LeCun: It sets expectations for funding agencies, the public, potential customers, start-ups and investors, such that they believe that we are on the cusp of building systems that are as powerful as the brain, when in fact we are very far from that. This could easily lead to another “winter cycle.”

And then there is a little bit of “cargo cult science” in this. This is a Richard Feynman expression. He talked about cargo cult science to describe things that look like science, but basically are not.

Spectrum: Give me some examples.

LeCun: In a cargo cult, you reproduce the appearance of the machine without understanding the principles behind the machine. You build radio stations out of straw. The cargo cult approach to aeronautics—for actually building airplanes—would be to copy birds very, very closely; feathers, flapping wings, and all the rest. And people did this back in the 19th century, but with very limited success.

The equivalent in AI is to try to copy every detail that we know of about how neurons and synapses work, and then turn on a gigantic simulation of a large neural network inside a supercomputer, and hope that AI will emerge. That’s cargo cult AI. There are very serious people who get a huge amount of money who basically—and of course I’m sort of simplifying here—are pretty close to believing this.

Spectrum: Do you think the IBM True North project is cargo cult science?

LeCun: That would be a little harsh! But I do believe that some of the claims by the IBM group have gone a bit too far and were easily misinterpreted. Some of their announcements look impressive on the surface, but aren’t actually implementing anything useful. Before the True North project, the group used an IBM supercomputer to “simulate a rat-scale brain.” But it was just a random network of neurons that did nothing useful except burn cycles.

The sad thing about the True North chip is that it could have been useful if it had not tried to stick too close to biology and not implemented “spiking integrate-and-fire neurons.” Building a chip is very expensive. So in my opinion—and I used to be a chip designer—you should build a chip only when you’re pretty damn sure it can do something useful. If you build a convolutional net chip—and it’s pretty clear how to do it—it can go into a lot of devices right away. IBM built the wrong thing. They built something that we can’t do anything useful with.

Spectrum: Any other examples?

LeCun: I’m going to get a lot of heat for this, but basically a big chunk of the Human Brain Project in Europe is based on the idea that we should build chips that reproduce the functioning of neurons as closely as possible, and then use them to build a gigantic computer, and somehow when we turn it on with some learning rule, AI will emerge. I think it’s nuts.

Now, what I just said is a caricature of the Human Brain Project, to be sure. And I don’t want to include in my criticism everyone who is involved in the project. A lot of participants are involved simply because it’s a very good source of funding that they can’t afford to pass up.

Spectrum: How much more about machine learning in general remains to be discovered?

LeCun: A lot. The type of learning that we use in actual Deep Learning systems is very restricted. What works in practice in Deep Learning is “supervised” learning. You show a picture to the system, and you tell it it’s a car, and it adjusts its parameters to say “car” next time around. Then you show it a chair. Then a person. And after a few million examples, and after several days or weeks of computing time, depending on the size of the system, it figures it out.

Now, humans and animals don’t learn this way. You’re not told the name of every object you look at when you’re a baby. And yet the notion of objects, the notion that the world is three-dimensional, the notion that when I put an object behind another one, the object is still there—you actually learn those. You’re not born with these concepts; you learn them. We call that type of learning “unsupervised” learning.

A lot of us involved in the resurgence of Deep Learning in the mid-2000s, including Geoff Hinton, Yoshua Bengio, and myself—the so-called “Deep Learning conspiracy”—as well as Andrew Ng, started with the idea of using unsupervised learning more than supervised learning. Unsupervised learning could help “pre-train” very deep networks. We had quite a bit of success with this, but in the end, what ended up actually working in practice was good old supervised learning, but combined with convolutional nets, which we had over 20 years ago.

But from a research point of view, what we’ve been interested in is how to do unsupervised learning properly. We now have unsupervised techniques that actually work. The problem is that you can beat them by just collecting more data, and then using supervised learning. This is why in industry, the applications of Deep Learning are currently all supervised. But it won’t be that way in the future.

The bottom line is that the brain is much better than our model at doing unsupervised learning. That means that our artificial learning systems are missing some very basic principles of biological learning.

Spectrum: What are some of the reasons Facebook was interested in setting up an AI lab?

LeCun: Facebook’s motto is to connect people. Increasingly, that also means connecting people to the digital world. At the end of 2013, when Mark Zuckerberg decided to create Facebook AI Research, the organization I direct, Facebook was about to turn 10 years old. The company thought about what “connecting people” would entail 10 years in the future, and realized that AI would play a key role.

Facebook can potentially show each person on Facebook about 2,000 items per day: posts, pictures, videos, etc. But no one has time for this. Hence Facebook has to automatically select 100 to 150 items that users want to see—or need to see. Doing a good job at this requires understanding people, their tastes, interests, relationships, aspirations and even goals in life. It also requires understanding content: understanding what a post or a comment talks about, what an image or a video contains, etc. Only then can the most relevant content be selected and shown to the person. In a way, doing a perfect job at this is an “AI-complete” problem: it requires understanding people, emotions, culture, art. Much of our work at Facebook AI focuses on devising new theories, principles, methods, and systems to make machines understand images, video, speech, and language—and then to reason about them.

Spectrum: We were talking earlier about hype, and I have a hype complaint of my own. Facebook recently announced a face-verification algorithm called “DeepFace,” with results that were widely reported to involve near-human accuracy in facial recognition. But weren’t those results only true with carefully curated data sets? Would the system have the same success looking at whatever pictures it happened to come across on the Internet?

LeCun: The system is more sensitive to image quality than humans would be, that’s for sure. Humans can recognize faces in a lot of different configurations, with different facial hair and things like that, which computer systems are slightly more sensitive to. But those systems can recognize humans among very large collections of people, much larger collections than humans could handle.

Spectrum: So could DeepFace do a better job of looking through pictures on the Internet and seeing if, say, Obama is in the picture than I could?

LeCun: It will do it faster, that’s for sure.

Spectrum: Would it be more accurate?

LeCun: Probably not. No. But it can potentially recognize people among hundreds of millions. That’s more than I can recognize!

Spectrum: Would it have 97.25 percent accuracy, like it did in the study?

LeCun: It’s hard to quote a number without actually having a data set to test it on. It completely depends on the nature of the data. With hundreds of millions of faces in the gallery, the accuracy is nowhere near 97.25 percent.

Spectrum: One of the problems here seems to be that computer researchers use certain phrases differently than lay people. So when researchers talk about “accuracy rates,” they might be talking about what they get with curated data sets. Whereas lay people might think the computers are looking at the same sorts of random pictures that people look at every day. But the upshot is that claims made for computer systems usually need to be much more qualified than they typically are in news stories.

LeCun: Yes. We work with a number of well-known benchmarks, like Labeled Faces in the Wild that other groups use as well, so as to compare our methods with others. Naturally, we also have internal datasets.

Spectrum: So in general, how close to humans would a computer be at facial recognition, against real pictures like you find on the Internet?

LeCun: It would be pretty close.

Spectrum: Can you attach a number to that?

LeCun: No, I can’t, because there are different scenarios.

Spectrum: How well will Deep Learning do in areas beyond image recognition, especially with issues associated with generalized intelligence, like natural language?

LeCun: A lot of what we are working on at Facebook is in this domain. How do we combine the advantages of Deep Learning, with its ability to represent the world through learning, with things like accumulating knowledge from a temporal signal, which happens with language, with being able to do reasoning, with being able to store knowledge in a different way than current Deep Learning systems store it. Currently with Deep Learning systems, it’s like learning a motor skill. The way we train them is similar to the way you train yourself to ride a bike. You learn a skill, but there’s not a huge amount of factual memory or knowledge involved.

But there are other types of things that you learn where you have to remember facts, where you have to remember things and store them. There’s a lot of work at Facebook, at Google, and at various other places where we’re trying to have a neural net on one side, and then a separate module on the other side that is used as a memory. And that could be used for things like natural language understanding.

We are starting to see impressive results in natural language processing with Deep Learning augmented with a memory module. These systems are based on the idea of representing words and sentences with continuous vectors, transforming these vectors through layers of a deep architecture, and storing them in a kind of associative memory. This works very well for question-answering and for language translation. A particular model of this type called “Memory Network” was recently proposed by Facebook scientists Jason Weston, Sumit Chopra, and Antoine Bordes. A somewhat related idea called the “Neural Turing Machine” was also proposed by scientists at Google/Deep Mind.

Spectrum: So you don’t think that Deep Learning will be the one tool that will unlock generalized intelligence?

LeCun: It will be part of the solution. And, at some level, the solution will look like a very large and complicated neural net. But it will be very different from what people have seen so far in the literature. You’re starting to see papers on what I am talking about. A lot of people are working on what’s called “recurrent neural nets.” These are networks where the output is fed back to the input, so you can have a chain of reasoning. You can use this to process sequential signals, like speech, audio, video, and language. There are preliminary results that are pretty good. The next frontier for Deep Learning is natural language understanding.

Spectrum: If all goes well, what can we expect machines to soon be able to do that they can’t do now?

LeCun: You might perhaps see better speech recognition systems. But they will be kind of hidden. Your “digital companion” will get better. You’ll see better question-answering and dialog systems, so you can converse with your computer; you can ask questions and it will give you answers that come from some knowledge base. You will see better machine translation. Oh, and you will see self-driving cars and smarter robots. Self-driving cars will use convolutional nets.

Spectrum: In preparing for this interview, I asked some people in computing what they’d like to ask you. Oren Etzioni, head of the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence, was specifically curious about Winograd Schemas, which involve not only natural language and common sense, but also even an understanding of how contemporary society works. What approaches might a computer take with them?

LeCun: The question here is how to represent knowledge. In “traditional” AI, factual knowledge is entered manually, often in the form of a graph, that is, a set of symbols or entities and relationships. But we all know that AI systems need to be able to acquire knowledge automatically through learning. The question becomes, “How can machines learn to represent relational and factual knowledge?” Deep Learning is certainly part of the solution, but it’s not the whole answer. The problem with symbols is that a symbol is a meaningless string of bits. In Deep Learning systems, entities are represented by large vectors of numbers that are learned from data and represent their properties. Learning to reason comes down to learning functions that operate on these vectors. A number of Facebook researchers, such as Jason Weston, Ronan Collobert, Antoine Bordes, and Tomas Mikolov have pioneered the use of vectors to represent words and language.

Spectrum: One of the classic problems in AI is giving machines common sense. What ideas does the Deep Learning community have about this?

LeCun: I think a form of common sense could be acquired through the use of predictive unsupervised learning. For example, I might get the machine to watch lots of videos were objects are being thrown or dropped. The way I would train it would be to show it a piece of video, and then ask it, “What will happen next? What will the scene look like a second from now?” By training the system to predict what the world is going to be like a second, a minute, an hour, or a day from now, you can train it to acquire good representations of the world. This will allow the machine to know about the constraints of the physical world, such as “Objects thrown in the air tend to fall down after a while,” or “A single object cannot be in two places at the same time,” or “An object is still present while it is occluded by another one.” Knowing the constraints of the world would enable a machine to “fill in the blanks” and predict the state of the world when being told a story containing a series of events. Jason Weston, Sumit Chopra, and Antoine Bordes are working on such systems here at Facebook using the “Memory Network” I mentioned previously.

Spectrum: When discussing human intelligence and consciousness, many scientists often say that we don’t even know what we don’t know. Do you think that’s also true of the effort to build artificial intelligence?

LeCun: It’s hard to tell. I’ve said before that working on AI is like driving in the fog. You see a road and you follow the road, but then suddenly you see a brick wall in front of you. That story has happened over and over again in AI; with the Perceptrons in the ’50s and ’60s, then the syntactic-symbolic approach in the ’70s, and then the expert systems in the ’80s, and then neural nets in the early ’90s, and then graphical models, kernel machines, and things like that. Every time, there is some progress and some new understanding. But there are also limits that need to be overcome.

Spectrum: Here’s another question, this time from Stuart and Hubert Dreyfus, brothers and well-known professors at the University of California, Berkeley: “What do you think of press reports that computers are now robust enough to be able to identify and attack targets on their own, and what do you think about the morality of that?”

LeCun: I don’t think moral questions should be left to scientists alone! There are ethical questions surrounding AI that must be discussed and debated. Eventually, we should establish ethical guidelines as to how AI can and cannot be used. This is not a new problem. Societies have had to deal with ethical questions attached to many powerful technologies, such as nuclear and chemical weapons, nuclear energy, biotechnology, genetic manipulation and cloning, information access. I personally don’t think machines should be able to attack targets without a human making the decision. But again, moral questions such as these should be examined collectively through the democratic/political process.

Spectrum: You often make quite caustic comments about political topics. Do your Facebook handlers worry about that?

LeCun: There are a few things that will push my buttons. One is political decisions that are not based on reality and evidence. I will react any time some important decision is made that is not based on rational decision-making. Smart people can disagree on the best way to solve a problem, but when people disagree on facts that are well established, I think it is very dangerous. That’s what I call people on. It just so happens that in this country, the people who are on side of irrational decisions and religious-based decisions are mostly on the right. But I also call out people on the left, such as those who think GMOs are all evil—only some GMOs are!—or who are against vaccinations or nuclear energy for irrational reasons. I’m a rationalist. I’m also an atheist and a humanist; I’m not afraid of saying that. My idea of morality is to maximize overall human happiness and minimize human suffering over the long term. These are personal opinions that do not engage my employer. I try to have a clear separation between my personal opinions—which I post on my personal Facebook timeline—and my professional writing, which I post on my public Facebook page.

Spectrum: You’ve already expressed your disagreement with many of the ideas associated with the Singularity movement. I’m interested in your thoughts about its sociology. How do you account for its popularity in Silicon Valley?

LeCun: It’s difficult to say. I’m kind of puzzled by that phenomenon. As Neil Gershenfeld has noted, the first part of a sigmoid looks a lot like an exponential. It’s another way of saying that what currently looks like exponential progress is very likely to hit some limit—physical, economical, societal—then go through an inflection point, and then saturate. I’m an optimist, but I’m also a realist.

There are people that you’d expect to hype the Singularity, like Ray Kurzweil. He’s a futurist. He likes to have this positivist view of the future. He sells a lot of books this way. But he has not contributed anything to the science of AI, as far as I can tell. He’s sold products based on technology, some of which were somewhat innovative, but nothing conceptually new. And certainly he has never written papers that taught the world anything on how to make progress in AI.

Spectrum: What do you think he is going to accomplish in his job at Google?

LeCun: Not much has come out so far.

Spectrum: I often notice when I talk to researchers about the Singularity that while privately they are extremely dismissive of it, in public, they’re much more temperate in their remarks. Is that because so many powerful people in Silicon Valley believe it?

LeCun: AI researchers, down in the trenches, have to strike a delicate balance: be optimistic about what you can achieve, but don’t oversell what you can do. Point out how difficult your job is, but don’t make it sound hopeless. You need to be honest with your funders, sponsors, and employers, with your peers and colleagues, with the public, and with yourself. It is difficult when there is a lot of uncertainty about future progress, and when less honest or more self-deluded people make wild claims of future success. That’s why we don’t like hype: it is made by people who are either dishonest or self-deluded, and makes the life of serious and honest scientists considerably more difficult.

When you are in the kind of position as Larry Page and Sergey Brin and Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, you have to prepare for where technology is going in the long run. And you have a huge amount of resources to make the future happen in a way that you think will be good. So inevitably you have to ask yourself those questions: what will technology be like 10, 20, 30 years from now. It leads you to think about questions like the progress of AI, the Singularity, and questions of ethics.

Spectrum: Right. But you yourself have a very clear notion of where computers are going to go, and I don’t think you believe we will be downloading our consciousness into them in 30 years.

LeCun: Not anytime soon.

Spectrum: Or ever.

LeCun: No, you can’t say never; technology is advancing very quickly, at an accelerating pace. But there are things that are worth worrying about today, and there are things that are so far out that we can write science fiction about it, but there’s no reason to worry about it just now.

Spectrum: Another question from a researcher. C++ creator Bjarne Stroustrup asks, “You used to have some really cool toys—many of them flying. Do you still have time for hobbies or has your work crowded out the fun?”

LeCun: There is so much fun I can have with the work. But sometimes I need to build things with my hands. This was transmitted to me by my father, an aeronautical engineer. My father and my brother are into building airplanes as well. So when I go on vacation in France, we geek out and build airplanes for three weeks.

Spectrum: What is the plane that is on your Google+ page?

LeCun: It’s a Leduc, and it’s in the Musée de l’Air near Paris. I love that plane. It was the first airplane powered by a ramjet, which is a particular kind of jet engine capable of very high speed. The SR-71 Blackbird, perhaps the fastest plane in the world, uses hybrid ramjet-turbojets. The first Leduc was a prototype that was built in France before World War II, and had to be destroyed before the Germans invaded. Several planes were built after the war. It was a very innovative way of doing things; it was never practical, but it was cool. And it looks great. It’s got this incredible shape, where everything is designed for speed, but at the expense of the convenience of the pilot. The noise from the ramjet must have been unbearable for the pilot.

Spectrum: You tell a funny story in a Web post about running into Murray Gell-Mann years ago, and having him correct you on the pronunciation of your last name. You seemed to be poking gentle fun at the idea of the distinguished-but-pompous senior scientist. Now that you’re becoming quite distinguished yourself, do you worry about turning out the same way?

LeCun: I try not to pull rank. It’s very important when you lead a lab like I do to let young people exercise their creativity. The creativity of old people is based on stuff they know, whereas the creativity of young people is based on stuff they don’t know. Which allows for a little wider exploration. You don’t want to stunt enthusiasm. Interacting with PhD students and young researchers is a very good remedy against hubris. I’m not pompous, I think, and Facebook is a very non-pompous company. So it’s a good fit.






朋友圈的段子王已经有了说法:华三为什么罢工,H3C就是换三次( Huawei 3 changes),它已经换了3次了,换四次就不行。华三在从2亿销售额增长到120亿的过程中经历了3次股权变换:

第一次:2003年11月,华为由于要急于解决和思科在美国市场发生的专利纠纷,华为和3COM成立合资公司华为3COM,华为占股51%,3Com占49%,3Com当时49%的股份是以而3Com则以现金($160 million)和中国及日本两地的业务注入新合资公司。如果以当时汇率1美金兑换8元来讲,考虑到3Com当时在中国和日本的业务已经日暮西山,当时华三的整体估值大致在30亿左右。
第三次: 2009年11月12日,惠普宣布以27亿美元(合人民币175亿)现金收购3Com,进军电信设备市场,H3C并到惠普门下。





1月26日,惠普CEO梅格·惠特曼(Meg Whitman)宣布吴敬传将卸任H3C首席执行官的职位,吴敬传和毛渝南以及Matt Greenly一起成为H3C董事会成员,任副董事长,并将作为梅格·惠特曼在中国以及全球网络战略的顾问。同时梅格·惠特曼宣布任命曹向英为H3C首席执行官,即日生效。曹向英曾担任H3C首席运营官。









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