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image      吴杰现为美国佛罗里达州大西洋大学(FAU,Florida Atlantic University)计算机科学和工程系正教授。吴教授1982年获得上海科技大学(现上海大学)计算机工程学士学位,1985年获得该校计算机科学硕士学位,并留校任教两年。1989年,他获得FAU计算机工程专业博士学位。吴教授今年被评为美国电气和电子工程师协会评为院士(IEEE Fellow),评语为: 对移动自组织网络和多机计算机系统的研究做出贡献。(Citation: “For contributions to mobile ad hoc networks and multicomputer systems”)。

      吴教授科研工作成果颇丰,他在学术期刊(Journal)中发表论文148篇,学术会议上发表论文253篇。他的研究方向包括移动和无线网络,路由协议等。他指导的博士毕业生有Xiuqi Li, Fei Dai, Imad Jawhar, W. Lou, Zhen Zhang等。


Jie Wu
Distinguished Professor
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Florida Atlantic University
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office: (561) 297-3491 Fax: (561) 297-2800
Email: jie@cse.fau.edu

(2个打分, 平均:5.00 / 5)



  1. 陈怀临 于 2009-07-30 2:01 下午

    10多年没有见吴杰了。比原来瘦了许多。恭喜呀,是IEEE Fellow了。最后一次见他是他讲他做的一些关于紧耦合多机系统(MPP)方面Cube的并行算法。。。时光流逝呀。吴老师是IEEE Fellow了。我是弯曲评论的自封首席科学家了:–(

  2. michael 于 2009-07-30 2:32 下午


  3. yajin 于 2009-07-30 5:10 下午

    首席,搞错了吧。 85年硕士毕业,留校工作两年。 然后 89 年就获得美国博士学位。也就是说拿来美国的PHD只用了 2年!

  4. 陈怀临 于 2009-07-30 5:14 下午


  5. yajin 于 2009-07-30 6:47 下午

    您是说,吴杰 边在 上海大学任教,变在职攻读美国大学的博士。这个也太神奇了吧。美国的博士可以在职读吗?我也想在职读一个 :)

  6. 陈怀临 于 2009-07-30 6:52 下午

    Isee what you mean. Umm, something strange. Either 杰夫 made a typo, or some blah blah. Let me check.

  7. 杰夫 于 2009-07-30 7:15 下午


  8. 陈怀临 于 2009-07-30 9:21 下午

    英雄不论出身,英雄也不问经历。只有Loser(例如咱们这些人)才关心这些。英雄只关心结果。IEEE Fellow比什么MIT,CMU等博士学位都值钱,都表示something。



  9. 帅云霓 于 2009-07-30 9:28 下午


  10. yajin 于 2009-07-30 11:00 下午

    呵呵。俺也觉得吴教授的PHD 比较快,想向吴教授学习一把,想看看有没有什么捷径可以弄个 哲学博士。。。

  11. coder 于 2009-07-31 12:15 上午

    Jim Gray, 一年半, UC berkeley

  12. 陈怀临 于 2009-08-09 9:48 下午

    从上周4开始,就与两个教授师弟天天混在一起。得知吴大侠杰教授已经成功跳槽到Temple Univeristy计算机系去做Chair了。狠人呀! 恭喜吴主任!



    CST welcomes Jie Wu, incoming chair of the computer and information science department

    April 27, 2009

    Effective July 1, 2009, Dr. Jie Wu joins the College of Science and Technology as professor of computer and information sciences and chair of the department. An internationally respected researcher in a number of areas, including mobile computing and wireless networks, parallel and distributed systems, and fault-tolerant systems, Wu’s goal as chair will be to develop the department into a center of excellence in computer and information science research and education.

    Wu, formerly a distinguished professor at Florida Atlantic University, is the author of 148 journal articles, 294 conference papers, 2 books and 28 book chapters. He is an IEEE fellow who serves on the editorial boards of many distinguished professional journals and has organized 50 professional conferences. His research has been continuously funded since 1990 by grants from industry, the Defense Information Systems Agency, the Army Research Office, and the National Science Foundation. He has served as Program Director for the National Science Foundation’s Division of Computer and Networking Systems since January 2007. Wu earned his PhD in computer engineering from Florida Atlantic University.