计算的美丽–1986年图灵奖获得者Robert Tarjan

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Robert Endre. Tarjan(04/30/1948–)


1986年。第二十一位图灵奖 (1986年)获得者。

图灵奖引用(Turing Award Citation) :

For fundamental achievements in the design and analysis of algorithms and data structures.


( 授予Robert E. Tarjan图灵奖以表彰其在) 数据结构和算法设计与分析领域的重要的基础性的贡献。







Big-O Notation: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_O_notation

Design and Analysis Algorithms: http://www.personal.kent.edu/~rmuhamma/Algorithms/algorithm.html

The Mathematics of Algorithm Design

Introduction to Algorithms: http://theory.lcs.mit.edu/classes/6.046/spring04/outcome.html

Turing Award Lecture(图灵奖演讲文章):

Algorithmic Design. Commun. ACM 30(3): 204-212(1987)

 Robert E. Tarjan简介:




Robert E. Tarjan出生于1948年4月30日,Pomona,美国加州。

Tarjan于1969年从加州理工学院(ww.catech.edu) 获得其数学学士学位。在斯坦福大学,Taran分别与1971年和1972年获得其计算机科学的硕士和博士学位,并获得其数学的双学位。

在斯坦福大学计算机系,Tarjan是著名的Robert Floyd(1978年图灵奖获得者)和Donald Knuth(1974年图灵奖获得者)的学生。

从斯坦福大学毕业后,Tarjan分别在 Cornell大学,UC Berkeley,斯坦福大学,AT&T实贝尔实验室,纽约大学,普林斯顿大学,NEC研发中心,MIT担任过教职和相关职务。

 Tarjan是许多图论算法的发明者,比如Tarjan’s off-line least common ancestors algorithm

目前,Tarjan是普林斯顿大学计算机系(www.cs.princeton.edu )的教授。



Miller Research Fellowship, University of California, Berkeley, California, 1973-1975

Guggenheim Fellowship, 1978-1979

Nevanlinna Prize in Information Science, 1983

National Academy of Sciences Award for Initiatives in Research, 1984

Honorable Mention, Lanchester Prize of the Operations Research Society of America, 1984

Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1985

AT&T Bell Laboratories, Distinguished Member of Technical Staff, 1985

A. M. Turing Award of the Association for Computing Machinery, 1986

Member, National Academy of Sciences, 1987

Member, National Academy of Engineering, 1988

Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1990

Member, American Philosophical Society, 1990

Foundation Fellow, Institute for Combinatorics and its Applications, 1991

Honorable Mention, Lanchester Prize of the Operations Research Society of America, 1993

Fellow, Association for Computing Machinery, 1994

Fellow, New York Academy of Sciences, 1994

Paris Kanellakis Award in Theory and Practice, Association for Computing Machinery, 1999

Blaise Pascal Medal in Mathematics and Computer Science, European Academy of Sciences, 2004.

(2个打分, 平均:5.00 / 5)


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