微内核与Unix实时扩充的分析:Neutrino vs. RTCore

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 QNX/Neutrino    vs.   FSMLab/RTCore   Comparison
     –Microkernel vs. Real-time Extension

Huailin Chen,  November, 2004



0. Architecture

–Neutrino ( www.qnx.com ) is a micro-kernel. It can exist alone without any dependent packages. For being a micro-kernel, like CMU’s Mach, Andrew T. ‘s Amoeba as well as Minix and L4, these following components must be provided: Process/Thread Management; Memory Management; Exception Handling; Message-Passing Interface.

–RTCore (www.fsmlabs.com ) is designed to provide better real-time services for traditional time-sharing based monolithic operating system, alleviating the pains of kernel non-preemption and non-deterministic interrupt latency.

–RTAI/Adeos ( www.rtai.org ) provides similar technology as RTLinux does.

            –RTAI supports x86, PPC, ARM and MIPS

–RTAI is FREE and Open Source

– With latest Linux 2.6 addition, the kernel preemption patchis officially on. Linux can support better performance towards hard real-time requirements. However, Linux is yet able to be claimed as a real real-time operating system.

– With RTCore or RTAI, it does provide less interrupt latency, for instance, 5us per RTCore technology claims.

–RTCore is a real-time extension/patch for Linux initially and is ported to BSD community recent years. It is not a micro-kernel from both conceptual and technical viewpoint.
–RTCore is a loadable kernel module(LKM) for Linux kernel. It’s a part of Linux kernel codes/package after being installed.

–RTCore itself is not able to exist if without the “Secondary OS” .

–RTCore itself does NOT provide enough, if not at all, memory management, a message-passing interface. It relies on the BSD/Linux kernel to provide so. In other words, from system architecture viewpoint, RTCore/RTAI technology is “tightly coupled” with BSD/Linux kernel.

1. Performance

–Neutrino claims the support of real-time computing with micro-kernel preemption, flexible share memory mechanism and high performance message passing. From benchmark data released from QNX Inc, neutrino’s context switch and interrupt latency all range within micro-seconds. Note that, usually we believe message-passing model is very time-cost when compared to system call interface with a tradtional monolithic OS model, for example, Linux/BSD

–Neutrino provides system scope real-time scheduling based on process/thread priorities. A system could provide fine-granularity real-time services to a wide range of real-time computing applications

–RTCore, adding codes into Linux/BSD kernel scheduler as well as interrupt handler parts, can provide very good real-time response to both interrupt handing and real-time task processing applications.

–RTCore does not provide real-time services to the Liux/BSD normal applications. Iff (If and ONLY if) there exists real-time RTCore threads, RTCore scheduler will never transfers the CPU to Linux/BSD user level processes/threads. This coarse granularity real-time computing model does introduce starvations into a realtime system. For example, a real-time application(BGP Daemon) may have to reside in Linux/BSD user level side.

2. Programming Model

–Neutrino supports full POSIX 1, POSIX 1.B, POSIX 1.C and a native message-passing mechanism/interface. It provides a very good and consistent programming model.

–Neutrino does not seamlessly support gcc tool-chain programming environment, but qcc, which is built on top of gcc.

–Applications on top of Neutrino are exactly same as what we did when under a UNIX machine.  Unix developers should be very easy to migrate into QNX/Neutrino world. However, writing device drivers for Neutrino is an exception. The Resource Manager Concepts and mechanisms are new to lots of people from Linux/BSD side.)

–RTCore support POSIX PE51, only providing a very basic set of real-time primitives, compared to Neutrino.  Please note that RTCore programming API is not POSIX API compatible; its API is more POSIX-like. RTCore threads MUST not able to call a BSD/Linux part block mode primitives or system calls (when RTCore threads run in user mode.). Therefore, any POSIX library Linux/BSD provides are not able to be used directly by RTCore real-time applications.

–RTCore, as a LKM module within Linux/BSD, supports gcc tool-chain seamlessly.

–Applications of RTCore either need developers able to have Linux/BSD kernel-programming (when write in-kernel RTCore threads) skills. Also, developers should be very clearly aware of the limitations of  PSDD-based RTCore threads, for example, no block based Unix system calls.
3. Memory Management/Protection

–Neutrino provides process-based memory management protection.

–RTCore, if without PSDD support, does not provide any memory management/protection. Please note that RTCore, from its nature, actually is not designed to provide any memory protection. The reason is that RTCore is not an RTOS or a Micro-Kernel. It is a patch for BSD and Linux scheduler and interrupts handler to achieve better scheduling performance. RTCore itself is not able to sustain to support any applications/threads, but must rely on BSD/Linux memory management/protection.

–RTCore, with PSDD support, is able to support having an RTCore threads running in user level privileged mode and moreover under a BSD/Linux process context. This does provide good memory protection for RTCore threads, even though not naturally.

–RTCore, with PSDD support, does provide memory protection while still without any memory management. The reason is: RTCore threads could not be viewed by BSD/Linux side schedulert. Or we say, RTCore threads should not call any block mode Unix system call interfaces including memory management part, for instance, malloc/brk. Any page fault will bring RTCore threads halt. This strict requirement makes RTCore PSDD threads programming sort of tricky. For instance, Any PSDD RTCore threads/applications will HAVE TO pre-allocate  all physical memory in advance, not able to take advantage of the Linux/BSD Paging based memory management. This behavior of RTCore, under some cases, may introduce system resources/memory allocation unfair or system starving.

4. Portability and Legacy Support

–Neutrino POSIX based codes have good portability.

– QNX, the operating system built on top of Neutrino is lack of third party application/codes support, compared to Linux/BSD even though QNX claims that most of BSD and Linux codes are able to be ported on top of it very easily. One of the big reasons is: QNX is not open source based. This is a hurt to the adoption of Neutrino micro-kernel compared to the L4 and Mach micro-kernels.
–RTCore based applications provide normal portability.

–RTCore applications have some good advantages over QNX/Neutrino even though QNX claims that its full POSIX based. BSD and Linux communities have huge of third party applications, while QNX side is lack of open source community support.

5. Summary
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“微内核与Unix实时扩充的分析:Neutrino vs. RTCore”有5个回复

  1. 陈怀临 于 2010-02-20 2:43 下午

    时光流逝。突然发现写这个white paper都是6年前了。那时好年轻呀。。。最近非常有紧迫感,觉得不能浪费任何时间了。。。希望年轻的同学们要珍惜自己的光阴,并且有一个long term focus。钱和地位都是bonus。但你必须有一个base目标。。。

  2. xtang 于 2010-02-22 1:15 上午

    世易时移,连Wind River都被收购了。

  3. 陈怀临 于 2010-02-22 6:39 上午


  4. leviathan 于 2010-02-22 9:19 下午

    我有非常好的long term focus,自从入门以来就没动摇过,可惜没有“钱和地位”来作base,就只能永远是个long-term focus了…:)

  5. 陈怀临 于 2010-02-22 9:33 下午
