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【陈怀临注:】希望北京Linux界的朋友都去参加。主办者Coly Li是陈首席的好朋友。时间是10月24日。地点在北邮。Coly同学的老巢。详细情况可参阅其Workshop的网站http://www.linuxevents.cn/beijinglsf/ 。 Coly,你做一个中文版本的Call For Proposal吧。。。另外,在通信界的工程师读者也应该去看看。云计算的基础之一其实是存储。

Oct 24, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

Beijing Linux Storage and File System Workshop (BeijingLSF) is an effort to make local Linux kernel hackers sit together to share and exchange ideas. The BeijingLSF is an invitation only workshop, in order to have effective discussion, only a small group of people will be invited. Most of the invitee are active upstream Linux kernel developers locally from China, focus on I/O and storage systems.

BeijingLSF2009 is a one day’s event, the venue is in Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (See menu BeijingLSF->Venue for detailed location information). In order to reduce travel cost for attendees, it happens one day early than the AKA kernel conference. There is NO register fee to attend BeijingLSF, if you want to sponsor this event, please see menu BeijingLSF->Sponsor for more information and contact BeijingLSF committee.


(1个打分, 平均:4.00 / 5)



  1. Roy 于 2009-09-17 8:19 上午

    The BeijingLSF is an invitation only workshop, in order to have effective discussion, only a small group of people will be invited.
    If I am not invited, can I come ?

    In order to have an effective communication, seats of the workshop is very limited. Only people showing the workshop badge can enter meeting room.

  2. 陈怀临 于 2009-09-17 8:36 上午


  3. Allen O 于 2009-09-19 8:21 上午

    1. 选择周四开会,就使得上班族都不得不放弃,看看PerlChina2009选择周六,办得多好。
    2. 那个Coly很官僚,还得看他的脸色。。。

  4. Allen O 于 2009-09-19 8:36 上午

    1. 作为会议主办者,没有很好地去宣传,而且刻意地阻止想参加者自由地进入会场,这与linux自由开源精神格格不入。

  5. 网络菜鸟 于 2012-11-05 8:17 下午
