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image      斯德哥尔摩,2009年10月6日周二,瑞典皇家科学院宣布,“光纤之父”高锟(Charles K. Kao)、美国科学家威拉德·博伊(Willard S. Boyle)和乔治·史密斯(George E. Smith)一同获得了2009年诺贝尔物理学奖。




      高锟在1987年担任香港中文大学校长,1996年正式退休。退休后他居于香港,并担任香港特区政府科技创新委员会委员。中国科学院紫金山天文台于1996年宣布命名一颗新发现的小行星为“高锟星”,以表扬他在科学上所做的杰出贡献。除了2009年诺贝尔物理奖,他的其他学术荣誉还有:英国皇家工程科学院院士,瑞典皇家工程科学院外籍院士,IEEE Fellow (1979年),美国国家工程院院士(1990年),中华民国中央研究院(Sinica)院士(1992年), 中国科学院外籍院士(1996年6月)。



K. C. Kao, G. A. Hockham (1966), “Dielectric-fibre surface waveguides for optical frequencies” , Proc. IEEE 113 (7): 1151–1158.

(4个打分, 平均:4.50 / 5)



  1. 李克 于 2009-10-06 10:45 上午


  2. 李克 于 2009-10-06 11:26 上午


    A Drop of Water

    I am a drop of water. I started millions of years ago. I started in the Pacific a long time ago, when the dinosaurs were still alive.

    One day, I was rained into a little puddle of water. During the Triassic period, there wasn’t a lot of water. Did you know that the water we drink is the same water dinosaurs and prehistoric people drank? It really is just a circle of water. This process is called the water cycle. It is evaporation, condensation, then precipitation. Anyway, a dinosaur came, opened its mouth revealing very sharp teeth, and swallowed me!

    When I was in the throat, I suddenly jerked to the side. Oh, I guess I was just going to the stomach. When I was in the stomach, I saw a faint light. I closed my eyes, and when I opened them, I was in a puddle again! After a while I heard thunder. Boom! Boom! It roared. Then I came back to my senses. It was going to rain! After all these years! I felt the prickle of rain water washing me away, along with other water drops. Slosh. Slosh, slosh, I could hear thunder booming and see lightning flashing. I decided not to worry, so I let the other water drops carry me…

    Ugh! I am here! I’m in the Pacific Ocean again! Back at home. I stayed here for about three weeks, admiring the gracefulness of seaweed and the beautiful patterns of the fish, and other creatures. Then it happened…

    The first step in the water cycle: evaporation. I was being vaporized! When I was in the clouds, I met my best friend, Walter. Hey, water drops can have friends, too, right? So I came over to him and said: “Hey Walter! Yeah you, come here, I am your friend! Hi!” He responded what sounded like this: “Hey Wally! I haven’t seen you in a long time!” I walked over to him and we started a conversation for quite a long time. Finally, we waved good-bye and left each other. I think I just felt a rain drop. It’s going to rain again. I wonder where I am going this time…

    Whoosh! One final wave swept me over. When I looked up, I couldn’t believe what I saw. What a mess! Everything was dirty. There were no trees or plants, the nearby river’s water was dirty brown, and as far as I knew, there was no life! All of my million water drops were going to pop out because of the dirtiness. Two tons of garbage was dumped into the filthy water. I hope I am vaporized or it rains again…

    Ah, much better, back into the clouds. I am so happy I am not in that trash-of-a-town place. I hope I meet another friend here. I can see miles from here. If I had some company it would be the perfect life.

    The perfect life…the sound of it makes me want to have it so much! Darn! No time for daydreaming. There is no time because, um…uh…wait a minute…let me check…ah…yes…uh-huh…I got you…okay, I will call you in a couple of days…bye…Sorry about that. I called my family. They said I should come back to our house. There is some kind of reunion.*Yawn*Boring.

    ( 3,000,000 years later)

    I have heard that there is a new body of water. I think it is called the Chesameeke Bay. Wait…no, it is called the Chesapeake Bay. Just wait until you hear the facts! Well, where shall I start…ah! Here. *ah hem*, it’s been around for 3,000 years! Yeah, also ice melted and flooded valleys making the Bay run north. It is also the youngest bay. This bay provides more blue crabs than any where else on the world. The bay is amazing, isn’t it? Rivers, lakes, creeks, etc feeds the Chesapeake Bay fresh water. I think I found my new home. I will ride the Susquehanna River into the Bay. Wait here, I am going to go pack!

  3. 李克 于 2009-10-06 11:45 上午

    Continued with the novel wroted by the same primary scholar at her 5th grader.

    Chapter one

    Saturday September 19, 1795

    “Come, come, you don’t want to be late!” I groaned. Mother was always so bossy, always barking orders. “Hurry! Wash your face, polish your shoes, and powder your face! Hurry!” She continued. I stumbled down the stairs. Mother frowned. “Is that what you are going to wear?”

    It was the fall of 1795. Father was in Pennsylvania, and I was ordered to go join him. I climbed into the wagon with my belongings. I was off to Pennsylvania.

    Then, mother turned to wave to me. I smiled and waved back. I couldn’t help not to feel sad. The driver snapped the reins, and the wagon started moving.


    I was dozing until the driver suddenly started yelling. I sat up straight, and I did not like what I was hearing.

    “No, you may not have my wagon! This is private property, do ‘ya hear?”


    Sunday September 20, 1795

    I moaned. Where was I? I gasped. I was in the middle of a street, with no one around me. I shivered. It sure was cold. Where was the wagon with all of my belongings? Where was the driver?


    I had hiked about three miles, but I was more lost than ever.


    I was cold and tired, but then I saw a light! It was very faint. I began to run, faster and faster, and at last I reached the light. Under the moon, a man carrying a lantern looked at me. I guessed he was at least 70. He gave me a cold, hard, frightening stare and began walking towards me. I tried to run, but my skirt caught into the jagged branch on the cold, hard, ground. He reached for me, and shook me. I was frozen stiff. After that, darkness.

    Chapter Two

    Monday September 21, 1795

    I am too shaken to write.

    Tuesday September 22, 1795

    Now I fear everything. Ever since I saw that man, I have been seeing the most frightening things. Was that man a ghost? I must have been knocked unconscious.


    I set up camp after dusk. All I had was a willow tree and its branches for protection. I am so hungry! All I had were a few blank sheets of paper and a bottle of ink I found in the pocket of my dress. I happened to catch a few fish in the river. As I tried frantically to start a fire, I heard rustling of leaves right behind me. I spun around and right behind me was a monster.

    Wednesday September 23, 1795

    The monster smiled a horrible toothy grin. It made me sick. It smiled and said: “Look here, what have we got? A girly, got to have some money. Come on, give a coin or two.” I tried to wriggle free, but the monster had me tight in his grip. He smiled that terrifying smile and put me on the ground, then asked again for money. This time it was more like an order. I shoved a coin in his hand. “NOW LEAVE ME ALONE!” I practically screamed in his face. This made him leave. There goes my money. I sighed.


    Anyway, I continued on. I wished I could lie down, but the wet banks of the rivers prevented it from happening. Just then, I saw a glow on the horizon. A town was nearby!!

    I raced towards the light. I ran, and ran, and ran. What after seemed like hours, I got to the cause of the light. The town was completely deserted, except for a rather tall innkeeper. The innkeeper sighed. I rushed over to him. “What is the matter?” I asked. He just sighed and looked away. “The monster of Roanoke keeps scaring my customers away. After the colony of Roanoke disappeared, everyone has fled to Jamestown, the new colony.” he finally managed to say. I gasped at the thought of a monster. “Is he frightening?” I questioned. The innkeeper looked up and stood up. “Well, of course he is, just go along to Jamestown, where everyone else is. My business is well over.” The innkeeper walked away, leaving me in the dark streets.

    Thursday September 24, 1795

    As I walked down the endless street, I noticed that the houses along the streets were completely deserted, all except for one house. That house had an old beggar sitting on the front steps of the house. He looked up at me and asked for money. I shrugged my shoulders, and told him I had no money to give. He sighed and looked down.

    As I turned around, I saw a coin on the ground. I quickly picked it up. I wondered if I should keep it for myself or give it to the beggar. I found myself turning around and placing it into his hand. He smiled and gave me a piece of bread. I took it, thanked him and walked away.

    Friday September 25, 1795

    Wandering the streets, I wondered if my father noticed me missing. He probably noticed that I was gone, but doesn’t care. After all, I wasn’t his favorite child. I ate my piece of bread, chewing carefully so I could savor the taste. The bread wasn’t very well baked, but I was too hungry to even notice. Looking over my shoulder, I saw that the small flickering light by the road suddenly burned out. The only light I have even writing this entry is the light of the moon. Ah, sorry, the wind made my pen slip.

    I had better stop writing now. I heard that reading or writing with little light can damage your eyes.

    Saturday September 26, 1795

    It is now morning. The early light blinds me. I am sorry that my ink is fading, it is drizzling a bit. I wish it would stop. I have to stop here because I have to dry my paper.


    Much better, I was freezing in the rain, so cold. As I write this, I am searching for some more paper. I guess I have to write small from now on.

    Good enough? I have to write this small in order to record all of my experiences. I recall my friend said: “ Best to have some, than none” I am conserving my supply of paper.

    Anyway, I found a small nook, perfect for living in. I set my few belongings down and wondered if my life would get any better. I wish I were at home, playing a game of “The Goose”. I felt like I was in the game, making my way to this place then to that. I decided that I needed to clean my new home a little bit. Then, maybe someday I can find my family and live with them with many luxuries.

    I started digging in the ground in hopes of finding edible roots and plants. As I dug, I found a patch of potato skin. As I continued digging I realized that in the ground were potatoes!! I quickly dug up as many as I could, and hurried home. I began dancing around with my prizes! To add on to that, I found some extra paper, so I can write big again!

    As I chopped some wood with the axe I found in the yard, I saw that my new home was the home of a rich person. I worked in the garden from dawn to dusk, digging and planting. I thought I could live a happy life here.

    Chopping away, I heard the whistling of the wind in the trees. Then suddenly I heard a haunting sound: The sound of wailing in the forest. It was like there was a person in the woods, crying for help. I soon realized that it was someone crying for help. As I cautiously approached the woods to the source of the wailing, I saw a frightened looking little boy, who’s face showed pure terror. I looked to the direction that the boy’s face was looking at. I saw a rather large man, waving a whip over his hand. I cowered as he swung the whip and ran to the little boy. He pointed to the evil man, who was still swinging the whip around. As I moved, the whip was brought down on me, and I felt the searing pain on my back.

  4. 陈怀临 于 2009-10-06 1:42 下午


  5. 陈怀临 于 2009-10-06 1:47 下午


  6. 求求首席,删华为贴吧 于 2009-10-06 1:48 下午


  7. vêtements femmes 于 2009-10-06 10:32 下午


  8. nagayama 于 2009-10-07 2:00 上午

    我毕业上海科学技术大学(7934级学生),我们的系(无线电系)主任黄宏嘉教授当时就有”世界光纤之父”的称谓!黄宏嘉中国电子学家,微波专家,光纤专家,中国科学院院士。现任上海大学教授,名誉校长。1924年8月5日生于湖南临澧。1944 年毕业于西南联合大学电机系。1948年去美国密西根大学研究院学习,获硕士学位,并以优秀成绩获博士奖学金。1949年回国,历任北方交通大学副教授、教授,中国科学院电子学研究所研究室主任,中国科学院上海光学精密机械所理论研究室主任,上海科技大学副校长、名誉校长等职。曾任《光波科学与技术》主编。1980年当选中国科学院学部委员(院士)。1989年被聘为美国麻省理工学院电磁学科学院院士。1991年被授予美国欧罗理工大学名誉科学博士学位。长期致力于微波研究,在微波理论方面发展了耦合波理论,建立了完整的体系。在上海科技大学创建了微波科学研究实验室。领导由几个单位组成的研究组,于1980年在中国首次研制成功单模光纤。发表50多篇论文,并著有《微波原理》(2卷)。他的论著受到国内外微波学者的高度评价。更详细解释 http://www.shimen.gov.cn/list.asp?unid=2691

  9. nagayama 于 2009-10-07 2:19 上午


  10. shanghai 于 2009-10-07 4:05 上午


  11. abcd 于 2009-10-07 8:18 上午

    那个millions years ago when dinosaurs still alive,好像几百万年前恐龙已经绝灭了哦

  12. abcd 于 2009-10-07 8:19 上午


  13. 李克 于 2009-10-07 10:07 上午


  14. 陈怀临 于 2009-10-07 2:02 下午


  15. 李克 于 2009-10-07 11:46 下午


  16. abcd 于 2009-10-08 1:54 下午


  17. guo 于 2009-10-09 11:39 下午

    不明白这个世界是怎么的! 好是看看吧…http://nptclick.nptcn.cn:9000/5/509959

  18. guo 于 2009-10-09 11:39 下午
  19. 风子明 于 2009-10-10 7:10 上午


  20. 陈怀临 于 2009-10-10 7:37 上午


  21. 高飞 于 2009-10-10 10:43 下午

    哈哈,变成左右互博了。子明,高锟的主要工作的确是在其博士论文期间做出来的(要不然怎么可能博士毕业一年就做出这种成果),但是公开的发表似乎还是公认这篇Proc of IEEE的文章?或者你有其他的论据?