“Nir Zuk”小析

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看看此君自述“For the past 15 years, I have been heavily involved in the design and implementation of network security technologies for enterprise networks. ”



作品一篇“Next Generation Firewalls”




4,5篇,涉及状态跟踪专利,high-availability,日志分析,Packet classification等








2005-today Founder and CTO at Palo Alto Networks
- Next Generation Firewall
2002-2005 CTO at NetScreen/Juniper
2000-2002 Founder and CTO at OneSecure
- World’s first Network IPS
1994-1999 Principal Engineer at Check Point Software

我等鼠辈,到头来顶多就是个Principal Engineer。人家刚出生就已经是了。大凡工程师都有个臭毛病,就是文人相轻,眼高于顶,只有老子才是对的,别人一概不服,至少是口服心不服。我的感觉是,可以不服老人家,但是对于DE,CTO,首席之类的一定要服,这个世界上确有工程人员千里挑一,可以写出神鬼莫测的code,架构出精妙绝伦的系统。因此,即使和N君从未谋面,看了简历我也心服口服了。


1.flow-based stateful-inspection firewall,

2.high-availability for firewalls

3.stateful-signatures for intrusion detection and prevention.


看看自述“The depth and breadth of experience I have gained over the last two decades, combined with extensive interaction with thousands of customers, has given me a unique perspective on a variety of network security issues – both at the business level and the technology level.”


另外对于,item 1。我查到了Checkpoint的专利。Nir并非第一作者。Nir本人说的明白“I helped create Stateful Inspection, the basis for virtually all network security devices today”.



4.Next Generation FW



UTM is a jack of all trades but master of none, or as my good friend Laurent Daudre-Vignier puts it, UTM, and Fortinet specifically, is like a duck. It can fly, swim, walk, dive, tweet and lay eggs but cannot do any of these very well


I am pissed off. I am hurt. I built a big part of the Check Point product and to see what a bunch of jerks have done to that company really hurts. Check out  “Check Point Revolutionizes Security with New Software Blade Architecture”. WTH? Are you kidding me? Do you think people are that dumb? Anyone with an IQ over 70 reading the press release will see immediately what it’s about. It is about a new licensing scheme. Check Point’s major innovation is a new freaking LICENSING SCHEME!!! This not only hurts to see. It’s sad. A former top innovator in network security has been spending the last 3 years of its research and development on a licensing scheme aimed at squeezing more money from its customer based. So sad. So sad.


There are, however, multifunction devices that have best of breed components in them. Juniper has integrated security devices which have a world-class firewall and a best-of-breed IPS (I built both…).

言语虽然不多,但是性格鲜明。传言,一般牛到Top level的技术人员都很和善。我觉得主要是没有奔头了,满大街都是小弟了,还有什么可以得瑟的。但是Nir似乎不是这样。其实能够做自己想做的事,说自己想说的话,就是一种成功。



At one point, TIS excused its proxy’s limited market acceptance by saying Check Point had a better GUI and was easier to manage. I have a different perspective: Proxies have failed because they are hard to use and not because they are hard to manage. Putting a proxy on the network puts unnecessary restrictions on the business, as to what the Internet can be used for. With a proxy, the business is limited to using only the applications that the proxy supports. Consequently, a proxy limits the business instead of enabling it!


But this time, Richard, I have to disagree with you. Putting a firewall and an IPS on the same box is not innovation. I did it as the CTO of NetScreen more than 6 years ago so it’s certainly not new. And even then it was not innovative.

To make a better firewall, one needs to change the firewall itself.


There is a slightly more subtle implication, but to me a far more important one. Google and the likes of Google are establishing a direct relationship with the enterprise end user, bypassing the traditional IT-department controls over which applications are used and who can use them. The IT department only needs to provide the pipes. Google will take care of the rest. And speaking of pipes – that DS3 link you have isn’t big enough. It needs to be upgraded – quickly! Google needs you to have more bandwidth. With everything coming in on ports 80 and 443 to the browser, QoS doesn’t work. So, more bandwidth please.


1) Denial (our users are using these applications? Nah!);
2) Anger (our users are using these applications? WTF!);
3) Bargaining (hey, if you stop using these applications we will upgrade your computer);
4) Depression (I can’t believe our users are using these applicationsL);
5) Acceptance (fine, are users really using these applications – let’s deal with it).


I think that a more important trend in network security today is the move from port-centric to application-centric classificationtechnologies. This will make most of the existing products obsolete,similar to the way stateful inspection has made its predecessorsdisappear from the world…


【本人这方面是菜鸟,听后大感意外,原来Intel CPU这么囧】

Intel CPUs are very good at crunching numbers, running Excelspreadsheets and for playing high-end 3D games. They are not so good athandling packets. For example, the newest quad core Intel CPU canhandle, maybe, 1,500,000 packets per second which amounts to about 1Gbps with small packets. A single network processor, such as the one ofmany that we have in the PA-4000 series, can handle 10 times that -15,000,000 packets per second. Vendors that claim 10 Gbps throughputwith Intel CPUs, do so with large packet sizes which do not representthe real world.



As for the IDS/IPS functionality in the PA-4000 productline, it is providing full context for the IDS/IPS signatures for betteraccuracy but the most important reason as to why the PA-4000 productshave better accuracy is because Palo Alto Networks is not a pure IPSvendor and therefore does not need to play the “who has more signatures”game which leads to competing products having thousands of uselesssignatures that only create false positives.





(3个打分, 平均:5.00 / 5)


““Nir Zuk”小析”有22个回复

  1. 陈怀临 于 2009-12-31 4:58 下午


  2. david YE 于 2009-12-31 6:20 下午


  3. david YE 于 2009-12-31 6:21 下午


  4. BO 于 2009-12-31 9:49 下午

    还好,通用CPU还是有很多 能众处理器所不及 的地方,否则更会受到更无情的打击:
    is like a duck. It can fly, swim, walk, dive, tweet and lay eggs but cannot do any of these very well.

  5. 老韩 于 2009-12-31 10:49 下午

    关于Intel CPU那段,我深不以为然。

  6. appleleaf 于 2010-01-01 1:29 上午

    关于CPU那段我也有所怀疑。因为有些安全设备确实在用Intel CPU,甚至有的使用赛扬。如果这么差,选型应该不会选它。本人CPU之菜鸟也,希望首席等达人给个判断。

  7. Sean 于 2010-01-01 6:38 上午

    Intel CPU那段的测试和见解应该是没什么问题的,毕竟Zuk提到的Intel CPU是设计用于桌面计算的,不是处理网络数据流的。而且所谓通用CPU,这个也是相对而言不是嘛。Intel的几条CPU产品线虽然核心架构类似,但是仍然有针对服务器计算、桌面计算、移动计算和嵌入式计算那些方面。Intel在网络处理器方面还是谈不上什么顶尖专家啊,而且人家Intel可从来没有硬要拿自己的个人计算CPU产品来跟专门为处理网络数据而设计的CPU比嘛。

  8. Panabit 于 2010-01-01 7:34 下午

    关于Intel CPU那段,只能说他“无知”了,我们在一般的双核上都已经超过3Mpps了。

  9. appleleaf 于 2010-01-01 8:25 下午


  10. Panabit 于 2010-01-02 12:58 上午


  11. 理客 于 2010-01-02 1:13 上午

    3M如果是双向的话,就是1个GE 64字节双向线速,这个用优化的包处理流程是可以得到,但是每次增加业务处理为了保持性能不变都可能需要做很多努力,这是使用通用INTEL CPU的一个很大的问题

  12. Panabit 于 2010-01-02 1:58 上午


  13. 理客 于 2010-01-02 6:40 上午

    是的,CACHE是提高通用CPU业务性能的最关键的地方,CACHE命中率决定了业务处理性能,几年前几个技术专家曾对基于POWER PC的包处理做过优化,其中一个关键优化点就是尽可能的通过编程、编译、CPU属性调整提高CACHE命中率,使性能得到非常大的提高。
    通用CPU,包括早期的多核MIPS,在CACHE控制上,基本都是自动模式,不能做很多的编程控制,因为其主流应用不在包处理。好像最近的多核MIPS对CACHE都能做很多编程控制了。NP/multiple MIPS core一般对数据cache都有特别的处理,而intel CPU是没有的,所以总体上intel CPU虽然很强,但是因为没有对包处理的优化,所以在包处理业务中,显得心有余而力不足,这不是intel CPU的过错,是其市场定位决定的体系架构
    4核通用CPU其实为通用CPU提供了很好的想象空间,比如一个核做控制,一个核做首包,一个核做转发,一个核做IO,如果intel想向这个市场的部分空间发力,是可以考虑定制一款面向L3-L7应用的4核CPU的。但是操作系统是个问题,不同引擎使做不同使用的模式,目前没有好的操作系统可以统一支持,这对中小设备商单独增加一层自己的操作系统的成本、可靠性和可用性是很大的挑战,但是不做定制是很难真正发挥多核的效力的,当然,如果业界能配合提供一种OS,比如intel收购了wind river后,搞一个配套的OS,并且可以和Windows无缝集成,那么也许会开拓出一片蓝海空间

  14. BO 于 2010-01-02 11:04 上午


  15. 理客 于 2010-01-02 12:31 下午

    用intel CPU做IP网络业务处理,如果要做很多针对包处理的优化的话,就成NP了,NP的市场相对于CPU是个小市场,intel做不来的,做包括内嵌成针对IP网络协处理优化的多核也是改动成本太高,CISC划不来,但是能否做对4核做一点优化,作为4核的系列产品中的一个,放在以L5-L7为中心,兼顾L3-4处理,因为基于4核,所以成本上比NP和其他多核有优势,如果能再有对应的操作系统解决开发模式的问题,也许可以形成一个量比较大良性循环的市场,这是intel喜欢看到的市场,并且可以抗衡MIPS的多核的侵袭,如果mips多核能形成类似intel级别的大鳄,那么对intel CPU市场形成较大威胁也是有可能的,intel不得不防,所以要把intel CPU不断拓展,越做越大,而不是被别的CPU不断包围蚕食,所以intel是一定要主动出击,包括嵌入式市场,多核市场,这和intel过去偏执式文化带来的聚焦和断臂既一脉相承,又与时俱进

  16. appleleaf 于 2010-01-02 6:04 下午


  17. ASR1k 于 2010-01-03 2:22 上午

    intel的确有它的优势. 现在ASR1000的路由平面性能得到很大程度的提升就来自于intel的xeon嵌入式处理器, 其功耗来看并不大, 但是性能非常强劲. 大致做过一下测试, 非常不错的处理器, cache也很大, 可以干很多事情.

    当然把它用做转发平面的协处理器时, 优势很明显的. ASR1k现在用的是一块mips处理来做转发平面的控制. 由它来产生一些microcode交给QFP处理. 但事实上很多业务对于转发平面的要求很高. 例如SBC和IPSec这些东西, SBC要高速的在转发平面创建pinghole, 同时如果有1M的prefix要install 或者withdawn, 要在短时间内完成还是要强劲的处理器, 多个NP在那里放着, mips要去同时provision这些东西会很耗时, 于是客户就抱怨HA时间过长, 路由install时间过长, HA的时候性能下降很厉害. 其实NP不是瓶颈, 瓶颈就在FP的控制器上, X86这个时候就有优势了. 这些情况下通常只有一个process, 对单核的性能要求很高. 这是很多多核的mips处理器无法超越的.

  18. 理客 于 2010-01-03 3:02 上午


  19. 老韩 于 2010-01-03 4:54 上午


  20. droplet 于 2010-01-03 6:43 上午

    SBC要在forward plane安装pinhole,这是从control plane到forward plane的通道。这里面的性能瓶颈是IO哪?(通道带宽,延迟)还是计算哪?如果control plane到forward plane有多条通道,是不是可以好一点?搞performance,最主要是知道瓶颈在哪里,这样才可以有的放矢,否则的话,凭感觉,基本上很难。

  21. 杰克 于 2010-01-03 6:50 下午

    这些情况下通常只有一个process, 对单核的性能要求很高. 这是很多多核的mips处理器无法超越的.


  22. whowe 于 2010-12-30 11:48 下午
