Intel杀回手机baseband chip市场

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3, 进入LTE基带芯片市场,结合英飞凌和intel自己的wimax基带的技术,intel可以迅速在LTE系统站住脚。

(Reuters) – Intel will buy German chipmaker Infineon’s wireless unit for $1.4 billion, enabling the U.S. chipmaker to boost its presence in the smartphone market.

The cash transaction is expected to close in the first quarter of 2011 and the mobile unit will remain as a standalone business, the companies said in a statement on Monday.

Three people familiar with the matter had told Reuters on Friday that Intel and Infineon would likely reach an agreement on the business’s future within the next few days.

This is the second major deal for Intel within two weeks after the company announced its $7.7 billion offer for McAfee Inc on Aug 19, its largest acquisition, bolstering the appeal of its chips as it tries to expand further into the mobile market.

Intel’s Atom mobile chips took the low-cost, no-frills netbook market by storm but are rarely found in smartphones where other chipmakers dominate.

“Infineon would make Intel an instant heavyweight (in the mobile space) and buy them three, four years in R&D,” IDC analyst Flint Pulskamp has said.

But analysts also caution that while an acquisition such as Infineon’s mobile chip unit is a step in the right direction it will take time to produce results.

Meanwhile, rivals based on UK-listed ARM’s chip design — which is said to be more power-efficient than Intel’s offerings — continue to grab market share.

Infineon shares fell 1.4 percent to 4.54 euros by 0812 GMT in Frankfurt, widening losses they posted on Friday after Intel warned its third-quarter revenue would fall short of its own expectations due to weak consumer demand on personal computers.

“The positive effects of the (mobile chip) transaction have already been priced in. The sale has been discussed for months,” said German market analyst Heino Ruland of Ruland Research.

Intel shares closed largely flat at Friday’s market close in New York at $18.37.


The deal will allow Infineon to focus on its core segments — automotive, industrial and chip card security.

“The sale of WLS is a strategic decision to enhance Infineon’s value,” said Chief Executive Peter Bauer said.

“We can now fully concentrate our resources toward strong growth in our core segments.”

Bauer, who took the helm in mid-2008, turned around the mobile chip unit after years of losses. It now generates around 30 percent of Infineon’s total revenue but it ranks No. 5 in the chipset industry, far behind sector giants Qualcomm, Texas Instruments and Broadcom.

Based in Neubiberg near Munich, Infineon supplies chips to top manufacturers such as Nokia, LG and Apple.

Asset sales may also open the door for a special dividend for Infineon shareholders, who have not seen a payout in years.


The deal comes amid a flurry of M&A activity worldwide as companies struggle to boost revenue in an anemic economic environment.

According to Thomson Reuters data, nearly $200 billion in mergers and acquisitions has been announced in August, already making it the third-best month so far this year in terms of money committed to deals.

The top bids include BHP Billiton’s $39 billion hostile offer for Canada’s Potash Corp and Vedanta Resources’ $9.6 billion stake purchase in Cairn India.

In addition, Hewlett Packard and Dell Inc are embroiled in a bidding war for 3PAR Inc with HP’s latest bid of $2 billion currently trumping Dell’s offer.

(Additional reporting by Noel Randewich; Editing by Mike Nesbit)

($1=.7861 euros)



“Intel杀回手机baseband chip市场”有10个回复

  1. 瞎扯 于 2010-09-05 10:00 下午



  2. 路过 于 2010-09-05 10:46 下午


  3. billy 于 2010-09-05 10:47 下午

    Marvell公司成立于1995年,总部在硅谷,在中国上海设有研发中心,亚太地区包括北京、韩国、台湾这些地方都有技术支持团队,现在的员工大约 5000人并在不断扩张中。其是美国纳斯达克的上市公司,市值大约是100亿美元。目前Marvell是全球十大无晶片工厂半导体设计公司。Marvell现在每天要运送超过100万片基于ARM架构的处理器,这不单单包括手机应用处理器,同时也包括通信处理器、存储、WiFi等芯片。



  4. 瞎扯 于 2010-09-05 11:39 下午


  5. top2 于 2010-09-06 12:06 上午

    mobile chip在marvell营收里占多少份额?谁清楚

  6. 某某 于 2010-09-06 3:09 上午


  7. LTEer 于 2010-09-06 6:52 上午

    老乔是不是忽悠了保罗·欧德宁(Paul Otellini)?

    据国外媒体报道,在英特尔收购英飞凌无线业务部门前,该公司首席执行官保罗·欧德宁(Paul Otellini)曾咨询苹果首席执行官史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs),乔布斯对这一交易“感到满意”。英特尔周一宣布将以14亿美元收购英飞凌的无线业务。自2007年以来,英飞凌一直为iPhone供应基带芯片。周一接受采访时,欧德宁在回答“苹果对这一 交易的态度”的问题时说,他曾经私下与乔布斯沟通过,乔布斯认为这是明智之举,“乔布斯对英特尔收购英飞凌无线业务很高兴。有多家公司都希望收购英飞凌无 线业务”。



    苹果2008年斥资2.78亿美元收购PA Semi,今年斥资1.21亿美元收购Intrinsity,涉足芯片业务,为开发应用在iPad和iPhone 4中的A4处理器奠定了基础。

  8. magic 于 2010-09-08 6:44 上午


  9. yted 于 2010-09-09 1:21 上午

    可是苹果的第五代 iphone 芯片改为高通的产品了, intel 被老乔忽悠了一把

  10. 瞎扯 于 2010-09-09 1:23 上午

    “可是苹果的第五代 iphone 芯片改为高通的产品了, intel 被老乔忽悠了一把”
