The Web Is Dead. Long Live the Internet

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【陈怀临注:这是dicom1998在10月份发出的一个文章。一直没有发出,因为感觉需要更多的content。The Web Is Dead. Long Live the Internet的意思大概是:互联网发展到今天,更是一个App的世界了,而非一个没事用Web的年代。。。Internet是一个tunnel来传送content。Content是王;Content是主体。其他的都是工具。。。Google能够address的是能够被index的。而现在许多app的content是Google无法reach的。。。从某个角度而言,Facebook或许有一天会比Google更厉害。。。。。。Who knows。。。】

Looks like the following famous article published a while back has not been discussed yet on this forum. Sorry if it has already been posted.

Chris Anderson’s point is that there are closed systems that gives better experiences to users.  And they are not crawled by Google, which favors open systems.

Michael Wolff’s point is more interesting to me: It’s all about the content, and the quality of the content. Personally I never click those ad banners while browsing webs. Facebook and iPhone, although a closed system, provides a platform for these high-quality apps and ads.

On the other hand, reported yesterday, Google Now Accounts for 6.4% of Internet Traffic



“The Web Is Dead. Long Live the Internet”有2个回复

  1. long 于 2010-11-30 1:50 上午


  2. fat kong 于 2010-11-30 4:07 上午
