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缺乏预警机制:由于SIEM是通过收集其他产品的日志进行分析,意味着最多只能做到事中监视,比如蠕虫爆发,而无法实现事前预警。Symantec SSIM唯一的优势就是可以借助其分布在全球的数万台安全探针所形成的一个僵尸网络库,SSIM系统可以和这个库进行关联分析,实现一定程度的预警;而Arcsight曾经帮助一个银行用户建立反钓鱼系统,但是由于缺乏这些数量庞大的安全探针,只能在客户的邮件网关上进行采集分析,因此我估计效果将会大受限制;
后记: CISCO的MARS早就不玩了,RSA的eVsion停止不前,而据小道消息Symantec的SSIM已经不再开发支持。Arcsight有了HP的渠道支持,还将一支独秀,钱途光明。其基于BI的分析模块我将在一个卡系统中验证其功能,看到底能发挥多大功能,并希望对这块有研究的高手多多指教。

(3个打分, 平均:4.00 / 5)



  1. newer 于 2011-01-22 12:32 上午


  2. tom 于 2011-01-23 5:48 下午


  3. willchen 于 2011-01-24 5:59 下午


  4. Tech 于 2011-01-25 2:14 下午


  5. anony 于 2011-01-25 4:20 下午

    1. 转自友人Raffael Marty关于“Data-Cloud-Tool-Security”的一段评论:

    It’s very simple. If you don’t have the data, you cannot visualize it. A lot of companies are still struggling to collect the necessary data. In some cases, the data is not even available because applications do not generate it. This is where data analysis or security people have to start voicing their needs to the application owners and developers in order to generate the data that they need. In addition, developers and security people have to communicate more to learn from each other. Ideally, it is not even the security folks that visualize and analyze the application logs, but it is the application people. Just a thought!
    What we will see next year is that the Big Data movement is going to enable us to crunch more and bigger data sets. Hopefully 2011 will also give us an interoperability standard that is going to ease log analysis.

    What does the cloud have to do with security visualization? Well, it has to do with processing power and with application development. Applications generate logs and logs are used for security visualization. Cloud services are new pieces of software that are being developed. We have a chance here to build visibility into those applications, meaning we have an opportunity to educate these developers to apply logging in the right way.
    Next year we will see a lot of companies that are going to roll their own log analysis systems based on big data technology, such as Hadoop. We have seen a number of companies doing this already in 2010: Facebook, Linkedin, NetFlix, Zynga, etc. Traditional log management solutions just don’t scale to these companies’ needs. This will continue next year.

    With tools I mean security visualization tools. We are absolutely nowhere with this. There are a couple of simple tools out there, but there is no tool that really does what we need: brushing, linked views, supports large data sets, easy to use, contextualized, etc.
    Next year won’t really change anything in this area. What we will see is that more and more tools are built on the Web. The cloud movement is kind of responsible for this push, but so is the broad utilization of HTML5 with all of it’s goodness (e.g., Websockets, Canvas). We will see advances in the social space with regards to visualization tools. Security will continue utilizing those tools to analyze security data. It’s not ideal because these tools are not meant for this, but hey, better than nothing! Maybe this will help creating awareness and will surface some interesting use-cases for security visualization.

    What will we see in security visualization? Well, as we saw earlier, we don’t have the data. What that means is that we haven’t really had a chance to learn how to visualize that data. And because we didn’t have that chance, we don’t really understand our data. Read that again. I think this is an important point!
    Next year will give us more bad security visualization examples. And I am lumping product displays into this. Have you looked at your tool lately? During the SANS summit, I had a chance to look at some of the vendor’s dashboards. They are horrible. 3D charts, no legends, bad choice of colors, non actionable dashboards, etc. Note to log management vendors: I offer a security visualization class. You might want to consider taking it! But back on topic. Visualization, just like security, will stay an afterthought. It’s being added when everything else is in place already. We know how that generally turns out.
    I know, I am painting a gloomy picture. Hopefully 2011 will have some surprises for us!

    2. 多年以前也曾涉足SOC(SIEM),当时借鉴已小有名气的OSSIM较多,基于Zeroc ICE实现的基本框架(内部对象的注册、管理、事务处理、消息机制等,系统组件的安装、部署和升级等)及扩展机制(资产属性、关系的定义,资产关系的映射等,策略的下发、同步,事件的采集、可视化等);此过程,有得有失,”得“的是实现一个SOC的基本框架并不难,满足垂直性单点或多点(少数)管理需求并不难,但实现多角色多场景异构跨界SOC确实有相当大的难度,非一朝一夕之功;”失“的是过于具有Key-Factor依赖性,从Arcsight的成长中看到了一个好的管理工具应具备强大的可复制性、(近似于)”零“交付维护成本等鲜明特点,而当时却并没意识到这一点,只是懵懂的在Arcsight强大的数据挖掘|场景设计能力面前长吁短叹了一番,转过头又继续自己的老路。

    3. 俱往矣,凌晨将数年前的SOC相关设计、开发以及日日志快速翻阅了一遍,沧桑巨变;相信关注强强合并的弯友们比例更高,安全或许最后只能成为寡头的游戏;管理又何尝不是呢?那么介于二者之间的安全管理(以事件和策略为主)又该走向何方?

  6. willchen 于 2011-01-25 5:22 下午


  7. anony 于 2011-01-25 5:46 下午




    The Four Paradigms of Science

    The first two paradigms for scientific exploration and discovery, experiment and theory, have a long history. The experimental method can be traced back to ancient Greece and China, when people tried to explain their observations through natural rather than supernatural causes. Modern theoretical science originated with Isaac Newton in the 17th century. After high-performance computers were developed in the latter half of the 20th century, Nobel Prize winner Ken Wilson identified computation and simulation as a third paradigm for scientific exploration. Detailed computer simulations capable of solving equations on a massive scale allowed scientists to explore fields of inquiry that were inaccessible to experiment and theory, such as climate modeling or galaxy formation.

    By the Numbers

    The fourth paradigm also involves powerful computers. But instead of developing programs based on known rules, scientists begin with the data. They direct programs to mine enormous databases looking for relationships and correlations, in essence using the programs to discover the rules. We consider big data part of the solution, not the problem. The fourth paradigm isn’t trying to replace scientists or the other three methodologies, but it does require a different set of skills. Without the ability to harness sophisticated computer tools that manipulate data, even the most highly trained expert would never manage to unearth the insights that are now starting to come into focus.

  8. anony 于 2011-01-25 5:55 下午
  9. tom 于 2011-01-25 6:06 下午


  10. willchen 于 2011-01-25 6:43 下午



  11. tom 于 2011-01-25 7:19 下午

    to willchen,至少针对国内的厂商还是可以的,但这事没钱途,不像等保,有钱赚的事情就会有人抢着推进

  12. willchen 于 2011-01-25 7:25 下午


  13. tom 于 2011-01-25 8:14 下午


  14. willchen 于 2011-01-25 9:37 下午


  15. tom 于 2011-01-25 9:58 下午


  16. bigrong 于 2011-01-25 10:33 下午


  17. kernelchina 于 2011-01-31 11:13 下午
