911 十周年

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“911 十周年”有12个回复

  1. Changed my life. 于 2011-09-11 8:28 上午

    This is one historical event changed my life and many others’. The world is never the same, for better and mostly for worse. Iraq War, Afghanistan war, the bust of American economy, the flattening of the world structure… Everything can attribute back to 911.

    That morning is so clear in my mind, never faded away. Excitement, horror and sadness, all spectrum of emotion stirred together. Close my eye, I can see the second plane attack the South Tower and the twin tower collapse. Oh My God!

    May the dead rest in peace. May the lived stay for hope…

  2. 一条虫 于 2011-09-11 8:33 上午


  3. history 于 2011-09-11 8:41 上午


  4. anonymous 于 2011-09-11 9:00 上午


  5. 像人一样思考,而不是被灌输的思考 于 2011-09-12 5:04 上午


  6. 临时 于 2011-09-12 7:18 上午


  7. niuchtel 于 2011-09-12 6:00 下午


  8. 沙加 于 2011-09-12 10:55 下午

    7楼,谁都有表达自己意见的权利。动辄对他人冠以xx dog的称号,这点倒是某dang一脉相传的优良的斗争传统。

  9. Marrbel 于 2011-09-12 11:51 下午


  10. lucida 于 2011-09-13 12:09 上午


  11. ADIDDAS 于 2011-09-13 12:15 上午


  12. 是有啥不一样的 于 2011-09-13 1:31 上午

    看待问题的表达 direction;
    5楼是 go with upward (more open areas),7楼 looks for the downward direction.(stands on negative.. the result might be negative?)多读书,读好书了 will guide 7楼 to a positive.. So 有啥不一样? you name it..haha…