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    2008年8月25-29日在新西兰基督城(Christchurch, New Zealand)举行的APNIC第26次会议(http://www.apnic.net/meetings/26)中,26日下午有半天会议主题是网络治理(Internet governance hui、全球有一个IGF峰会己经有多年历史),它的内容网页在下列网址:   http://www.apnic.net/meetings/26/program/hui/


    这个会议是在Tuesday, 26 August 2008, 15:15-17:30 举行,参加会议的人也很多,这个会议的主旨如下:
    Why participate?
    If you have ever used the Internet, you are a stakeholder in Internet governance. And in 2008, global Internet governance discussions come to the Asia Pacific. In December this year, the third annual Internet Governance Forum will be held in Hyderabad, India.

    Come to this session to:

    —Hear about the key Internet Governance issues in the Asia Pacific
    —Share your opinions
    —Learn how you can be involved in shaping the future of the Internet
    The second half of the Internet governance hui is dedicated to “Challenges facing Internet operators in developing countries”. In this half of the hui, the speakers will discuss:

    —Challenges facing Internet operators in developing countries
    —How the Internet community, together with business, civil society, and government can work to overcome the challenges
    —Examples of providing Internet access in difficult circumstances
    If you cannot attend in person, you can participate online(http://www.apnic.net/meetings/26/remote/).


Paul Wilson
Paul Wilson  (APNIC总经理) 

Raúl Echeberr
Raul Echeberr



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